Not at all. It's an inspiring discussion. In the end it's your game and you stick with whatever you're most comfortable to work with.
And I fully agree to your Bracket vs. Whitespace point of view.
Some hopefully constructive ideas about the game content:
- Expressions: Kiralias face doesn't show expressions. I don't know how much effort it is in the animation tool (what do you use?), but maybe she could smile, frown or show surprise sometimes.
- Work in Progress: During the progression of the story, you could show a hint like "You have seen all content in this location for this version". So players don't try to grind more scenes.
- Select vs. ramdom: Instead of triggering random scenes (Inn or Magic Shop) you could let the player select. Like when you work for Jillian, she could show you the selection of currently available artifacts and you choose which one to try. Inn scenes could trigger, depending on what you decide to drink or whom you decide to drink with. The request for a gallery will come up sooner or later. But if the player can choose the scene to trigger, there's no need for a gallery.
- Farming: During adventures, Kiralia could find new artifacts and take them to Jillian to try them out. She could find bondage gear and give it to her mistress or the farm to play with. She could find armor to display and sell with the blacksmith.
- Fast travel: A fast travel Screen available in Kiralias room would speed up travel.
Edit: one more:
- Chatting shouldn't progress time: If you have a chat with an NPC, after 3 simple questions, the day is done. Just chatting shouldn't progress the time of day.
Again, thanks for a great game. Looking forward to see Kiralaia in more distress. And if you need help, I'd be happy to support.
Whew! Sometimes, I apparently come off as a passive-aggressive asshole in text when I didn't mean to

. Strangely don't have that issue with my writing, usually, only in a forum or reddit discussion and such.
Constructive idea responses:
Expressions: I REALLY want to add expression -_-. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out a way to do it simply. So far, the only ways I've found were
extremely clunky. That's the downside to using a modded version of Skyrim, there are things it just isn't designed for that I've had to either accept as-is, or find workarounds for. Another example being that's it's actually pretty time consuming to add a custom NPC, for example. I'm hoping in the future to have at least a few expressions for Kiralia that can be used outside sex...inside the sex animations is even worse, though.
Work in Progress: This is part of why I included a walkthrough for the first section of the game, at least. Though earlier releases for patrons also had anywhere with incomplete content marked in-game. I haven't tried to make an actual scene counter, though, as there's a sorta weird limit to the number of variables you can have in VN Maker. There's probably a way around that, but it's on my 'to figure out' list rather than my 'already figured out' list

. I could probably at least make one that counted against the known unquie-scene number, though. Might consider adding that to the next build...
Select vs Random: Hmmm, I'm not sure about this one. I set it up as random partly so that neither 'Kiralia' or the Player know what is going to happen to her when she agrees to something or takes an action. An element of risk and the unknown sort of. Maybe...hmmm...I
might be able to set it up so that, once you've seen all scenes for a specific 'job' THEN you can select between them for repeats? Or even tie it to the counter system, set counters of scene per-job, letting people repeat ones they've found already or risk the random to find new ones... Possible. Very possible. Definitely a thing to go onto the 'non-critical extras' list, though. For now, I'd prefer to pump in new content as much as possible, rather than tweaking old with better features. At least for the first 3-4 builds.
-Farming: An excellent idea if I choose to expand Hope's rest down the line! Or possibly even for another Hub-area. For the moment, Hope's Rest is effectively done. Build 2 will be introducing the second Hub-area, New Landing.
Fast travel: *cringe* that's a good idea! If I can figure out how to add it without causing lag issues... One of my ongoing issues with the engine actually centers on the Character Menu Button. I'm sure you have probably noticed that going into/out of the Character Menu is suppppeeerrrr slow for such a simple thing, right? Yeah, well, that's because of some REALLY dumb choices in the engine design that make using the Call Scene function a terrible idea. In order to fix some major performance issues in earlier versions, I had to strip out every since Call Scene (which pulls up a new scene over the current one, then returns you back to the original when done) and replace them with Change Scene (which completely switches you to a new scene) commands. The effect on performance in the Call Scene command makes me sure that they were not actually closing those scenes when you 'returned,' creating a massive drag on the engine over time, resulting in Black Screens of Death. In fact, I'm pretty sure I missed a Call Scene somewhere, which is causing some of the other bugs being reported over time.
Long story short, it's not as easy as it should be to just call up an overlay with a fast travel set on it. Unless...okay, I'm stupid. I don't need to do that. I can just as a fast travel choice with sub-choices for the major areas. Duh. Eh, I'll leave the above paragraph anyway, since it has some details on another problem (the black screening thing some people are reporting).
Chatting shouldn't progress time: I actually did this on purpose. Beyond the times of day shift, time (as in the passage of days) has no meaning in the game. Intentionally, as I hate it when games restrict me to an arbitrary 'do this is 100 days!' sort of thing that makes it hard to experience all content. That serves a valid purpose in some games, of course, but a lot of them include it when it would really just be better to let the player explore. Anyway, the preceding detail is only relevant in the 'passing time does no harm' sense. As for why I made chatting actually take time? I wanted to provide an easy way for players to intentionally pass time if they needed to, without having to return to guildhall for the 'rest' option. I didn't want to include a 'wait' option in every menu, due to some of the menus having to be manually-placed to avoid overrunning character's faces. Urlang's menu, for example, has to have every button manually placed off to the side like it is, complicating things in a couple of annoying ways. After all the drama with that stupid character button (see above mini-rant under Fast Travel) I didn't want to try sticking another button into every scene either, particularly with how visibly slow the Time display pops in (which is literally just a single call to an 8 line function...). So...I made talking to people pass time. If it's annoying enough, I can try the button option, since doing that would only add a few lines of code to each scene...or each main area at least. Obviously a bad idea to add it in some places, as advancing time inside a sex scene would do horrible things to the code. I was just trying to keep the number of things the engine has to do in each scene down to a bare minimum, since the engine is slower than an old lady collecting molasses from frozen trees in the dead of winter already...