Am I the only one that thinks someone crazy should be in charge? Why? Well nobody wants to mess with crazy and because of it, the only outcome is peace because everyone is too afraid to do anything. Nah man. I think Claire is right on the money with this one. The Order is what keeps the order. How poetic.
Those are some high levels of copium. First you say that the Order are the "good guys", and now that people proved you wrong, you say that they are "crazy", but they are right to be, because this will solve every problem in the world.
Claire sacrificed her own men, she is the one that had Ren attack her own headquarters in France, and attack the Legion while her messenger was still there, which directly led to his death.
The Legion seem to be a bag of dicks, specially under the current Unus, so I'm not really that bothered by them, but the Brotherhood are just a bunch of underdogs getting together in order to try and survive. Sure, there are some dicks in there as well, but most people we interact as the MC in the Brotherhood seem to be cool people. They are a quite weak faction if compared to the High Order, and after the treason by Az in the summit, Claire coming in and conspiring to fabricate cause to hunt them down and kill them is just insane.
I don't know if, like some people in this commments, I want her dead, but at the very least, she should be removed from power and made to pay for her crimes, or at least reflect on them. She is just brewing more war and hatred through her actions, and her only luck is that powerful Companions like Zero have no beef with her, and she has Ren wrapped in her fingers, but this could change quite fast.