I know Cody and Cadence explained this, but how exactly does MC qualify as a threat to the whole society if he is literally just a random kid who stumbled upon two people having sex that shouldn't? I kinda get their reasoning that even him starting a rumor could endanger their relationship. But the amount of effort the society is putting into keeping just one single relationship out of harm's way is frankly insane. That's the main issue I have with them. Sure, it's kinda weird that a secret society about something that trivial even existed for so long, but their "safety concerns" are so over the top, it just lacks any kind of realism. I mean, snipers!
The way they introduced themselves just makes me think, "These people are crazy, no way am I gonna join their crazy cult, let alone get my loved ones involved with them!"
Edit -
And the worst part is that after their introduction, I'd probably be just as afraid of the consequences of not joining. I really hate this situation.
On the bright side, this game, and this discussion, have led me to discover that I'm paranoid about paranoid people. So... thanks for that, dev.