
Jul 11, 2021
Its mostly in efficiency and getting enough EE, the farthest I got was to use the Defiler on one of the Chosen, but by the time I had gathered enough resources to do it my time was up for the loop.
You need to be able to get Defiler with a 4-turn-2-Capture (5EE) commander.
Are you making sure all your chosen generate 1EE as soon as they join the city defense?
What Item did you have and how did you use it?
What Core vulnerabilities did your Dual core Chosen have? (Core Morality/Confidence is probably the nastiest combo, for reference.)


May 23, 2017
Is this a bug? I was able to get one of my chosen rampaging but at the end of battle, the continue button doesn't work. No idea on how to duplicate it but I was lucky to get it in a few try.


New Member
Dec 31, 2021
I'm on loop 3 and just want to ask two questions on efficiently finishing the loop.

1. I'm on day 21 and broke all t2 on all three chosen using a rampage forsaken. I can't break T3 because I can't do an orgy w/ my rampage forsaken because the captures are so long (7 turns each) that evac & extermination is complete before I can capture the 3rd chosen. Do I rush Soul Resonance/Passion Release to delay ending the fight and hopefully get enough time to do an orgy with my rampage forsaken, or do I rush Synthesis for a 4 turn, 3 capture Defiler & Suppresor commander to try an orgy with?

2. My EE gain is 5 + 2 + 2 per day. Should I try to increase my EE gain to 5 + 5 + 5 before saving up EE for upgrades or continue to buy upgrades with 9 EE per day?


Oct 25, 2017
Its mostly in efficiency and getting enough EE, the farthest I got was to use the Defiler on one of the Chosen, but by the time I had gathered enough resources to do it my time was up for the loop.
Advice: Don't send a Commander out until you can send one with 2 captures that sticks around for 4 turns. It's generally in most cases a waste of energy to send a Commander out without a specific purpose in mind. Until that point, make sure that each Chosen has enough ANGST to give you 1EE per day (around 200) and don't stress too much that you aren't making progress.

Once you have one, somewhere between day 8-12, you need to focus on building multipliers. I'd suggest this post for details about that.

I'm on loop 3 and just want to ask two questions on efficiently finishing the loop.

1. I'm on day 21 and broke all t2 on all three chosen using a rampage forsaken. I can't break T3 because I can't do an orgy w/ my rampage forsaken because the captures are so long (7 turns each) that evac & extermination is complete before I can capture the 3rd chosen. Do I rush Soul Resonance/Passion Release to delay ending the fight and hopefully get enough time to do an orgy with my rampage forsaken, or do I rush Synthesis for a 4 turn, 3 capture Defiler & Suppresor commander to try an orgy with?

2. My EE gain is 5 + 2 + 2 per day. Should I try to increase my EE gain to 5 + 5 + 5 before saving up EE for upgrades or continue to buy upgrades with 9 EE per day?
Advice: It sounds like you maybe don't have Networked Consciousness. That should be your next tech goal. It's like adding an extra turn to every surround, but at the beginning, so it's even more useful than it appears. If you have that, see below for techs I would suggest.

You don't actually need to Orgy to break T3 (exception: advanced species Chosen). A long(ish) Defiler+ is often enough to do this which can be achieved with a 2-capture Commander, or is likely achievable with your current Forsaken. See this post for an explanation about what makes them better than most people realize. I'd suggest this order to you: Networked Consciousness, Intelligence, Genius, with the goal of building some Defiler+ actions against the two Chosen that are only giving you 2EE per day. If at any point you're able to get 50M Trauma damage in one day, repeat that day's actions to cross 100M and prepare the T3 break. As always, consider whether you want to break Minor or Core vulns first, and feel free to break any Significant vulns you run across at any time.

At Loop 3, you are facing either 0 or 1 Superior Chosen. Don't worry if you're not able to get the Superior Chosen to give you the same EE as the other two.
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Jan 8, 2019
ran into a display bug in R43f,

I marked 2 chosen for temptation Distortion path. (avoid breaking morality & confidence)

The game still shows morality break via Pummel as green. sodomize confidence break also shown as yellow

save#1, hope and oracle on temptation path.
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Jan 8, 2019
Its mostly in efficiency and getting enough EE, the farthest I got was to use the Defiler on one of the Chosen, but by the time I had gathered enough resources to do it my time was up for the loop.
1.sometimes chosen will have the ability to break out 2 turns of surround ON EVERY TURN, I can't figure out what happens, but I just target another chosen for early game.

Focus on the easy target and have them 1 Tier of EE reward higher than the rest.

2.Abuse save/load. Your goal is to make sure you have progression, If you weren't able to break 1 or more vul or progress a EE tier. the only thing you gain on that day is your passive EE income -the commander cost.
you could reload to try out diff Tactic. if you feel stuck, using commander to EXPO capture the other girls would help you progress further on the Main target.

3. Distorsion path may sound scary, but it actually helps the run go faster, as it rewards you a one-time reward of 100EE upon completion(nice EE boost mid-loop), and give you an easier way to reduce solve(aka final day "boss" HP)

You can go into Info while you are at home, under Chosen's page, You have the option to mark a path you want, the game then will update the examine menu to tell you which type of BREAK you have to avoid. and the requirement you need to reach.

If you are new, you can take Temptation path as they are more straightforward.
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Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
Is this a bug? I was able to get one of my chosen rampaging but at the end of battle, the continue button doesn't work. No idea on how to duplicate it but I was lucky to get it in a few try.
This sounds like a bug that was fixed in R43d. I tried out your save in R43f (the most recent version), and I wasn't able to reproduce it. So, you should be able to continue by updating to the most recent version.
ran into a display bug in R43f,

I marked 2 chosen for temptation Distortion path. (avoid breaking morality & confidence)

The game still shows morality break via Pummel as green. sodomize confidence break also shown as yellow

save#1, hope and oracle on temptation path.
In the provided save, Hope isn't actually set on the Temptation Distortion plan. She has all the right Vulnerability Breaks, so her profile does display the instructions to trigger it, but because you haven't manually told the game that it's what you're going for, the game still assumes that you aren't actually interested in distorting her.

It looks like the warnings are displaying correctly for Oracle, who has had her plan manually set.
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Jan 8, 2019
This sounds like a bug that was fixed in R43d. I tried out your save in R43f (the most recent version), and I wasn't able to reproduce it. So, you should be able to continue by updating to the most recent version.

In the provided save, Hope isn't actually set on the Temptation Distortion plan. She has all the right Vulnerability Breaks, so her profile does display the instructions to trigger it, but because you haven't manually told the game that it's what you're going for, the game still assumes that you aren't actually interested in distorting her.

It looks like the warnings are displaying correctly for Oracle, who has had her plan manually set.
I must have deselected it by accident. Was under the impression that the requirement would only display after the plan has been manually selected.


May 23, 2017
This sounds like a bug that was fixed in R43d. I tried out your save in R43f (the most recent version), and I wasn't able to reproduce it. So, you should be able to continue by updating to the most recent version.

In the provided save, Hope isn't actually set on the Temptation Distortion plan. She has all the right Vulnerability Breaks, so her profile does display the instructions to trigger it, but because you haven't manually told the game that it's what you're going for, the game still assumes that you aren't actually interested in distorting her.

It looks like the warnings are displaying correctly for Oracle, who has had her plan manually set.
I updated to most recent version and it worked. Great game btw.


New Member
Nov 4, 2017
Bug report on 43f, save attached, capturing a chosen that has intimate multiplier with a forsaken seems to break combat from continuing.
Steps for reproduction -
1. Load most recent save (6allall13)
2. start day with Freedom
3. capture Freedom, do nothing, tempt, do nothing, do nothing, do nothing, do nothing, capture Claw, Surround Freedom
Alternate steps for reproduction -
1. Load most recent save (6allall13)
2. start day with Claw
3. capture Claw, do nothing. (however, if I use Tempt, combat does progress)


Jul 18, 2021
it seems like the game softlocks if you get all three ramp. distortions to rampage while both bars get filled... damn. :(

P.S : I'm baaaaack! :D
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Aug 29, 2017
I'm curious. Poll kinda. What is everyone favorite distortion and Position bonus. I find myself kind of rarely using forsaken unfortunately besides temptation one in early game maybe.


Jul 18, 2021
I'm curious. Poll kinda. What is everyone favorite distortion and Position bonus. I find myself kind of rarely using forsaken unfortunately besides temptation one in early game maybe.
i'll be entirely frank with you, i love negotiation to pieces and then some! positions make my head spin to try to optimize and min-max for certain situations and fringe-cases, sooo... i plead the fifth. >_>

(forgot to say this earlier: why bother with rampancy forsaken again when you NEED dignity to make them do more than tickles to chosen you pair them up with? unless rep. strength is WAY more over-rated than i see it in my head, the way their dignity and rep. strength works HAS to be flipped so they get stronger the higher the dignity rises in order to make them worth the effort of getting one, imo)
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Mar 20, 2019
I'm curious. Poll kinda. What is everyone favorite distortion and Position bonus. I find myself kind of rarely using forsaken unfortunately besides temptation one in early game maybe.
Negotiation is my favorite, while I don’t mind the harder aspects of aversion/rampancy, negotiation plays into my personal sexual preference pretty well and their gameplay bonuses supports this too. There’s few things more fun than causing a negotiation distortion on a core confidence chosen and having them all meek and submissive by the end of their corruption.

in terms of bonuses, coinciding with my negotiation preference I prefer Motivating Hypnotist (decrease the motivation cost of hypnotized chosen), Modifying Harvester(increases Max Stamina of drained chosen), and adaptive hypnotist(raises expertise multiplier of the hypnotizing forsaken)

motivating hypnotist allows you to offset the drawbacks of a lower hostility typically found in negotiation forsaken.

modifying harvester takes advantage of negotiation chosen’s absurd stamina regen by increasing their cap. This also means more training actions in a single training session.

adaptive hypnotist is good to extend the viability a high deviancy forsaken by still allowing them to gain some decent expertise. I typically feed these kind of forsaken a bit with lower disgrace before training their disgrace to their planned level to get my money’s worth out of each forsaken

apologies for the long response but it was a fun question :D
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Mar 20, 2019
i'll be entirely frank with you, i love negotiation to pieces and then some! positions make my head spin to try to optimize and min-max for certain situations and fringe-cases, sooo... i plead the fifth. >_>

(forgot to say this earlier: why bother with rampancy forsaken again when you NEED dignity to make them do more than tickles to chosen you pair them up with? unless rep. strength is WAY more over-rated than i see it in my head, the way their dignity and rep. strength works HAS to be flipped so they get stronger the higher the dignity rises in order to make them worth the effort of getting one, imo)
Rampancy is pretty helpful for a few reasons, it’s just not good to have more than a few in your roster unless you can properly offset their costs.

you don’t particularly need high dignity to get your rampancy forsaken working properly, their power scales to their reputation/disgrace so the closer you deploy them with their EE matching their disgrace the more useful they are. (ie. If it cost 30 EE to deploy a 75% disgrace normal forsaken then deploying a 75% disgrace rampancy forsaken with 30 EE will be them at max potential.)

you’d only need low disgrace/core dignity) if you plan on using that rampancy forsaken at higher EE levels.

One of the benefits of rampancy forsaken is their versatile deployment and usage, even if they aren’t doing a lot of damage at 1 EE deployment you can use their longer capture duration Than demon commanders to hurry along the appearance of the other two chosen and spam trauma actions on teammates to ensure early 3+ EE generation. And set them up with a defiler action and you might even get an early t2 break as the rampancy forsaken gets closer to their proper EE deployment needed.

the second benefit is their forsaken punishers bonuses still scale to their EE deployment rather than their actual disgrace, meaning if you’re running low on days in a loop and don’t have enough time to use your 100+/200+ EE forsaken punishers you can use the rampancy forsaken punishers to still get some bonuses albeit at a reduced effectiveness. Alternatively if you have a lot of time left in a loop and generating a lot of EE daily then you can use that same rampancy forsaken to get a higher forsaken punisher bonus.

Rampancy forsaken have their utility, especially if you wish to have a smaller roster of forsaken in a campaign, and you can offset the tantrums with breeders that reduce hostility/increase max motivation. Or rampancy forsaken that increase their own max motivation hostility via as breeder

hope this helps your opinion on rampancy forsaken, they may not be my taste fetish-wise but I try to keep one or two each campaign, especially early on when you have a limited number of forsaken to fill roles


Jul 18, 2021
Rampancy is pretty helpful for a few reasons, it’s just not good to have more than a few in your roster unless you can properly offset their costs.

you don’t particularly need high dignity to get your rampancy forsaken working properly, their power scales to their reputation/disgrace so the closer you deploy them with their EE matching their disgrace the more useful they are. (ie. If it cost 30 EE to deploy a 75% disgrace normal forsaken then deploying a 75% disgrace rampancy forsaken with 30 EE will be them at max potential.)

you’d only need low disgrace/core dignity) if you plan on using that rampancy forsaken at higher EE levels.

One of the benefits of rampancy forsaken is their versatile deployment and usage, even if they aren’t doing a lot of damage at 1 EE deployment you can use their longer capture duration Than demon commanders to hurry along the appearance of the other two chosen and spam trauma actions on teammates to ensure early 3+ EE generation. And set them up with a defiler action and you might even get an early t2 break as the rampancy forsaken gets closer to their proper EE deployment needed.

the second benefit is their forsaken punishers bonuses still scale to their EE deployment rather than their actual disgrace, meaning if you’re running low on days in a loop and don’t have enough time to use your 100+/200+ EE forsaken punishers you can use the rampancy forsaken punishers to still get some bonuses albeit at a reduced effectiveness. Alternatively if you have a lot of time left in a loop and generating a lot of EE daily then you can use that same rampancy forsaken to get a higher forsaken punisher bonus.

Rampancy forsaken have their utility, especially if you wish to have a smaller roster of forsaken in a campaign, and you can offset the tantrums with breeders that reduce hostility/increase max motivation. Or rampancy forsaken that increase their own max motivation hostility via as breeder

hope this helps your opinion on rampancy forsaken, they may not be my taste fetish-wise but I try to keep one or two each campaign, especially early on when you have a limited number of forsaken to fill roles
that's fair enough reasoning when you put it like that, though i feel i need to clarify that i don't absolutely hate rampancy distortions per se.
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Aug 29, 2017
Rampancy is an iffy for me not because of their mechanics. Its just annoying to macro them since you need to use them every so often. I'm praying for new aversions because I usually just find temptation the easiest and most useful. Negotiation is interesting.

I usually play trying to get distortion on every character for fun if I can, does anyone else do that or do they usually just try to hit 4x tier 4 to get achievements? Its one thing I'm curious about the update if the skipped world bonus buff to item will be worth losing out of the achievements.

Honestly with how distortion works I kinda wish that instead of it just lowering the requirements to do the distortion, continuously hitting the goals for distortion would actually be harder the more times you do it for a character like hitting an orgy at x turns would be x+2 turns to hit the next goal, but in doing so it would make her as a Forsaken stronger. I dont see the benefit of trying to hit the distortion after I hit it once as its just less effective them an orgy spam.
As an example, tempt would start with a lower(or current base) # pleasure value to "start" the distortion, but you would need to continuously hit the tempt value to progress the distortion. Once you pass the actual threshold for the distortion to occur, the Chosen would get buffs for when they become a Forsaken. Since currently there is really no reason to tempt them so they get instant tempted at 10k pleasure or something like that, even with the final fight.
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Jan 16, 2020
Just got for my loop my first triple negotiation, the three became unbreakable friend. I'm just quite sad that I didn't gained any EE for that and worst, because they were friend, I was only gaining 45 ee per turn and not 115. I needed to negotiate with the least corrupt for me to gain more. I let the least corrupt escape so she can comeback later. Just sad that my EE production was reduce from a triple negotation.
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