
Uploading the World
Mar 2, 2019
I'm not sure as to the cause of this bug, but it may be specific to my circumstance; I had been playing full versions of Cosy Cafe until now, and as with all other games, have started to download full compressed versions. So, (on Windows) I unzipped the full compressed 0.10 to a separate folder, loaded up my last save (which, perhaps was part of the issue). Immediately I noticed that the config settings were set to default, then the back button was greyed out and stayed inaccessible for the first few lines of dialogue/scenes.
Don't think its a problem of the Compressed version, the Dev updated Renpy though, that could be the issue.


Dec 13, 2020
Cosy Cafe 0.10 - PC

Cosy Cafe 0.10 - Mac

Cosy Cafe Android - Part 1

Cosy Cafe Android - Part 2 - (NEW 0.10 content here)


- (NEW 0.10 content here)


idk what to say
just being happy and mad at the same time
you could just wait at least a week or two as a sign of respect

welp..thats all from me
time to stay away from the threads until i read everything


Dec 12, 2020
Another update, another reminder of just how on a roll Cosy is on. One of the very few that I've expereinced that (currently) is showing such a high level of care in the story and the characters, as well as their ambitions. Even moments of the MC losing his composure and showing how he feels were cathartic to see.

I know that the whole Founding Fathers stuff can be seen as tedious (in that it takes away from the harem/h-scenes) but damn does it have me speculating sides and wanting to know more about them - especiially Regi.

Hell, I'll probably have to replay again in a few days just to re-remember some things again!
I think the best adult games have strong non-adult elements. It's why these are better than porn. There are stakes and reasons to care. It makes the adult side more engaging.


Apr 13, 2023
0.10 is another great update. I find the story and characters just so well done. Normally there are some characters or love interests in these types of games that I don't like, girls with lots of tattoos/piercings/attitude or some other things. But so far I like all the characters in this game.

And I am not saying that a girl with tattoos and/or piercings is bad or anything... just not my thing.

keep up the excellent work.
thanks so much for the game.


New Member
Apr 12, 2023
Don't think its a problem of the Compressed version, the Dev updated Renpy though, that could be the issue.
That would make more sense, given that the assets are all fine and are the media which are touched by compression. I guess I will have to download the full latest version, then. I was on 0.9 before.


Uploading the World
Mar 2, 2019
That would make more sense, given that the assets are all fine and are the media which are touched by compression. I guess I will have to download the full latest version, then. I was on 0.9 before.
Well you could use my update patch if you have the old version still.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2021
I know that the whole Founding Fathers stuff can be seen as tedious (in that it takes away from the harem/h-scenes) but damn does it have me speculating sides and wanting to know more about them - especiially Regi.
I love Regi, hoping to see him happy for years to come. I want a scene where he shows up to the cafe, and sees Catherine working there.
I laughed out loud at this section, he is so out of place in the founding family stuff, what a guy
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New Member
Apr 12, 2023
Don't think its a problem of the Compressed version, the Dev updated Renpy though, that could be the issue.
However, I do not understand how a compression of the 4.5, which would include the RenPy would be affected, if the compression only effected the media. Not a big deal, with this specific game, given how kinetic it is, but I do not think that is the source of the problem


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
Cosy Creator Noticed a possible bug with the .10 android version, if you start fresh rather than porting a save, and the skip to day 24 none of the known characters appear in the character bios, they all show as unmet.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
Damn, update was leaked literally 30 minutes after I subbed :D don't even regret it, Dev deserve the support, and the update was great, showed an incredible amount of work!

Mr Gilbert, Hannah's and Alison's dad, will probably become MC's mentor and father figure later on. his code of honor will dictate it as MC's grandfather made him into the man he is today. the vote against MC's removal was the first step into both paying his debt back and finally being able to do what's "right" for once.

Once MC's faction grows into something significant enough, it's clear he will gain Regi's support. Probably through the fact that Catherine will support him and by helping her family recover a bit, at least moving them away from Hamilton's blind obedience, maybe break the mother away from Regi. and once that happens, Gilbert will be compelled to join them or at least break from the Russels to be able to vote according to his code of honor, back to neutrality.
Though it could be a reason for Russels and Hamiltons to join hands then.

the story for Misaki, the teacher, is harder to predict. though she will end up accepting MC. will it be the catalyst for her to become confident and competent because he is in class and she will want to perform and be confident and slutty for him ? or will she just accept her incompetence and just resign so she can fully support her lover with her real skills ?

same for Rachel, her interactions with MC were too one sided, even if there was a bit of a breakthrough when she caught him with Lucy, and when she got caught spying. She is probably the one that stole the book of tickets, and she most likely has some kind of rape fetish/fantasy and/or voyeur fetish that she can't bring herself to admit. When she comes to try to talk to MC alone, it's probably to cash in the favor and ask him to rape her or be rough with her or to watch him punish his girls. but it's unclear how a main LI relationship can grow from that.

Will Lily distance herself from her husband after she learns the truth about the photo ? weakening the Hamiltons and the Russels seems to be part of where the story is headed too.
the key to weaken Gloria, aside from winning over Gilbert, might be in the fact that it's her husband that has multiple wives and not herself that has multiple husbands

Regi is literally alone during the council. how is it a secret anymore that he lost everything ? even his wife is sitting at her brother's side instead of her husband's. he also only has one single wife, which is unusual for a family head, so there could be something there for future updates.

what I found interesting in this VN was that MC doesn't mess at all with the side girls. he sticks to the main girls.
even if he builds a high level of loyalty among his harem, the more he has, the more difficult it becomes to maintain his family cohesion. will he learn from his grandfather? even if the founding family wives were not really loyal to his grandfather and were only political marriages, the non-family wives should have been loyal but they still divorced and left. only MC's grandmother remained, and she might have been a later encounter only. Gloria is described as a great schemer, and destroying MC's grandfather is said to be her feat, but honestly, breaking a harem apart after many years of frustration and lack of attention is not that difficult.

I read the new update, it has not failed to reinforce its place as my number one favourite VN. Seriously a great update, possibly the best yet.

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I really struggled to write my thoughts down as I realized halfway through that I was just saying "I like this", "this is great", and "this is interesting" over and over again. but I think that's just the thing with this VN, its so good that my only grievance is that I feel sad when the update is over.
I noticed the renders improved in this update too, the characters had more facial expressions (some better than others), and the lighting was nice and smooth, especially in the nighttime scenes.
the relationship with Sarah really hit a huge milestone now that they learnt the truth about the stalker and she swore allegiance to the MC against her own family. even more than building confidence in her body. she doesn't even trust her mother anymore even though she was the last one that she thought was good to her. and she is even jealous and possessive towards girls outside of the current harem, but doesn't even blink an eye for any harem member :D that was funny as hell! that's the sign that the harem is her family now.

dude, if you were in that bed and lived MC's life, you would also fall asleep quickly. he has the café to manage every day, on top of school. they are exhausted. :D he doesn't even manage to fuck one girl each day... frustration will build up quickly xD

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I can't believe how raunchy this game has become. I was taken aback by this, shaken to my core.
damn! that's almost rape! she changed her mind and wanted to back out, but he didn't let her! dark path.

if Annabelle was the one who stole the tickets book as she was no where to be seen in the meeting.
Annabelle didn't steal it, she was still there after the theft was reported. and why would the fact that she was not in the meeting have anything to do with the theft ? she was in school like every other absent youth.

Allison got a lot of 'professional' screen time - serving as the MC's secretary and primary liaison for Founding Family business but there were two notable exchanges that I thought were important for the MC/Alison relationship's growth.

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Alison is one of my favorite LIs in Cosy Cafe.

She is intelligent, cares about and sacrifices for her family (Hannah), has scruples (would not marry and submit to Brian), hard-working and dependable (as well as being a gorgeous redhead :love:).

I like the idea that the MC is showing her loyalty and trust and that she is returning that to the MC.

Alison is a woman who needs more than the boyfriend experience.

She is 27 years old and the headmistress of the school while the MC, as great as he is, remains an 18-year-old trying to make his cafe a success and grow it, and his growing 'family', into something more.

Showing her trust and loyalty is something he can offer her that goes beyond the boyfriend experience, and she Values this a great deal.

I also think Alison will be the key to bringing Elizabeth closer to, and eventually into, Team Fletcher.

She and Alison represent two of the other four founding families and they are both oldest daughters (with Elizabeth being the oldest child).

They have a pre-existing relationship and naturally gravitate to each other in conversations.

I can easily see Elizabeth asking to talk with Alison and point blank asking if the MC is the 'real deal.'

Alison's role in representing the Fletcher Family will not be lost on Elizabeth and I think this will help persuade her to give the MC a chance to be more than just a tool to destroy her mother.

Cheers!! :coffee:
interesting take on Alison! thanks!

but i think you're mistaken on something. she didn't return MC's trust and loyalty. she had to show trust and loyalty and give it freely first to earn MC's. out of necessity to get his help. it was not her full trust and loyalty, of course, but as the relationship progressed, her trust and loyalty skyrocketed quickly, especially after the tests.

MC letting her work however she wants and dropping everything founding families related in her lap is the first steps towards his showing her his real trust.
his loyalty is by default once she got his trust. that's indeed something she values a great deal as it's a big part of her trauma.
and she liking him calling her "good girl" is definitely part of her daddy issues. MC also has many of the traits that she respects in her father. will be fun when she is revealed to have a daddy kink, and calls him daddy in bed :D

MC's loyalty is literally how he began to earn her father's respect, as Gilbert considered that honorable, and also softens his own failure with his daughter.
MC supporting Alison and making her reach her potential and happiness will go a long way into winning over her father into his faction, for sure.

I don't think Elizabeth will need talks with Alison to gravitate more around MC and join him. their friendship already fulfilled its role, to me. they are both rebellious black sheeps. Alison joining MC won big points for Elizabeth to make him part of her plans to destroy her mother. Now MC has to prove himself actually useful for it to progress more. Elizabeth is her own person, she doesn't need or want Alison's opinion beyond what she already got.

did he really disable rollback? for what?
nope. rollback works just fine.

Cosy Creator

Game Developer
Dec 11, 2022
Cosy Creator Noticed a possible bug with the .10 android version, if you start fresh rather than porting a save, and the skip to day 24 none of the known characters appear in the character bios, they all show as unmet.
They appear when you get to the afterword, but it would be fairly easy for me to make them appear when you skip to the 0.10 content.


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
They appear when you get to the afterword, but it would be fairly easy for me to make them appear when you skip to the 0.10 content.
Ah didn't check again, my bad, and yeah that might be a good idea cause I was looking for a refresher on some folks while reading and it wasn't available.


Uploading the World
Mar 2, 2019
However, I do not understand how a compression of the 4.5, which would include the RenPy would be affected, if the compression only effected the media. Not a big deal, with this specific game, given how kinetic it is, but I do not think that is the source of the problem
Yeah no clue.
4.70 star(s) 180 Votes