No sex and you die in both endings, I even re-did get angry to get sad.
Yeah, I was kinda noticing that too. I don't know what I'm more upset about the the loss of 3+ hours or the loss of 3+ Gigs- at least I can get one of them back. This game had an interesting premise and some promise, but what @!#% happened?
What, exactly what, was the point of this "game"? By now, I'm pretty sure that most people have either clicked on the Spoilers or just read (from the disgruntled masses) how this game "ends"(?)...
This game should have been called "Bulimia"- you binge play it for several hours only to have all that time vomited back up at the end leaving you feeling unsatisfied.
This was an absolute, complete, and udder ('cause of the big boobies, heh heh) waste of time. It really wasn't worth it. To go through ALL of that and have no resolution is violently frustrating and/or to re-play it because you didn't have enough "fornication points"- only to discover that you aren't presented with enough opportunities to get enough, because even though you (YOU: 4th Wall Break) made choices that were supposed lead the MC to becoming more corrupt (thought that was the whole point of the game)- he runs away like a scared little girl half/most of the time.
NOTE: IF you are still playing this or having trouble with it- walk away, just..walk..away. OR save yourself the trouble and castrate yourself when the opportunity presents itself (I'm not talking about the MC- I mean IRL, there's no need to fap here).
The art wasn't the greatest- the over-exaggerated endowments of the mother and the older sister were, well, over-exaggerated. The faces in some of the scenes could only be described as terrifying. Let's not even get started on the "little yellow bus" looking younger sister- from the picture in the OP, I originally thought that she was a grandmother type character. *shudder*
I should be in terrific shape for the rest of my life- after that exercise in futility. What? Why? How? I'm sure I'm not the only one asking myself these questions after playing this, this, this- whatever it was. Was there ever/even a point? I, seriously, thought about using UnRen on this game- just to see if there were images/scenes that I may have missed, but I just really don't care at this point.
I know that I didn't pay anything for this game, BUT damn it- I want my "free" back!