The simple fact is ALL our uses of websites, marketplaces (online or off), real estate, residency, employment, etc. are governed by various terms, conditions and laws. Patreon is not unique in this regard, it's part of the norm: nothing is certain while we're alive.
You could be kicked off f95zone in two days from now and not have much say in the matter. I don't know the probability of this happening, but perhaps we could reasonably estimate that as being low.
A runaway bus could also fly into my residence and the last thing I ever hear is Keanu Reeves yelling "Whoa!" while my final thought is how random chance led to such seemingly unfair circumstances. I'd estimate that probability to be extremely low.
MrDots could be booted permanently from Patreon, even though he
already went through the DMD issue with them over a year ago and worked back to their good graces by following their tightened scrutiny when submitting the Melody pitch - which has apparently gone swimmingly since. Further, MrDots has been using SubscribeStar for DMD support and as a trial run of another creator-to-supporters platform, which may also be a backup in case Patreon becomes too restrictive some day. Given what we've heard and seen since DMD went non-Patreon, the probability that MrDots will be completely dropped from Patreon for producing DMD with separate funding seems low, as well.
I know of more than a few long-term creators on Patreon who also produce incest and/or bestiality and/or loli and/or (you name it) content that Patreon claims to have issue with (in a general sense), yet have not been asked to leave or change their ways because those works came about by use of
offsite activities funded by means not linked to Patreon. And, that's the key: Patreon does not want funds which flow through their site's mechanisms - or other direct uses of your Patreon membership - to enable activities which go against their Ts&Cs. As mentioned, DMD development is not funded by - or advertised through - Patreon, so it doesn't fall into their scope of interest.
Look at "Abusive Conduct" and "Patreon's Role" sections:
You must be registered to see the links
Could Patreon still come up with some obtuse DMD-related reason for dropping MrDots? Sure! But again, the probability - like so many possibilities in our lives, on- and off-line - is looking rather low in this case. Context matters and acting like Chicken Little merely creates noise.