considering the developer states this on his page, when talking about Ch. 3, it's pretty clear that it's in the plans for Chapter 3. can things change? yes, but as of the time they decided to do a chapter 3, it sounds like it's in their plans.. here is what is on the page.
"The new chapter will continue to have two days per update, just like we’ve been doing with chapter 2, and the main storylines covered will be:
- A true ending with D (we’ll let you guess what that could be rather than giving away our intended endings)
- The Polyamory arc (which will involve Jennifer, Elena, Georgina, and Rachel. Yes, Rachel. Multiple pregnancy ending is also on the table.)
- The Sharing arc (which will involve Graham, and Martin, and perhaps a future male character.)
- The Pet arc (you know what this means
- Whatever arc or scenes I’m forgetting to include right now"