Now I would like to take some questions, if possible with the people closest to MrDots. But I already want to record that it is not an offense, contempt or anything in that sense, but because I don't understand anything about programming, graphics engine, hardware and software and those things.
That said, let's go to the question: "Animations", I'll be honest, they are very weak, I see in other games wonderful and realistic animations using Ren'Py, Fashion Business for example, there must be others similar or even better animated, but only this one came to mind, and it will serve to exemplify, have you ever imagined DMD with those animations? Vagina with movement, very realistic penetration, in DMD it seems that it is penetrating with it closed and sometimes penetrating out of place (Margo). So I would like to know if it would be inexperience, if it is, it would be totally understandable and forgivable, after all, no one is born knowing, and I hope that MrDots is in the process of learning and improving his abilities.
Or is it hardware and or software? Program versions?
DMD would deserve an animation worthy of the game it is.
As I said at the beginning, I'm not complaining, just to know.