You say:
"So, let me see if I got this right. so basically a open relationship is when F can fuck other girls and D can fuck other boys And still dating each other "
- Basically correct but its not only "still dating each other". It is so that F and D deeply LOVE each other and live together (even marry if possible). They have so to say the "monopol" on each other's LOVE! They don't LOVE other women or men. But because they love each other so much, they can also allow each other to play around and have fun with others, because their love for each other is so deep that they can afford to give their partner this "freedom" without losing the love they have, in fact making it even stronger. But this only relates to SEX with others, love for others is not in the game. They only allow each other to have SEX, in other words FUN outside their LOVE relationship. And it is exactly their deep LOVE that allows that to happen without breaking their relationship!
-Now IF however one of them or both of them starts having feelings for another person then the whole thing would move into "poliamory". Which would mean having not only sex with others but also LOVING others. Translated, "polyamory" means in fact "multiple love". And this can have several forms one of which could be the "closed triad" you mentioned. But could be also an "open triad" when it's not exclusively limited to those 3 people.. The "standard" form of polyamory is to have a M/F relationship which is the "primary" one, where both partners can and do have also other LOVE relations with others (1 other, 2 others, 3others..), generating this way "secondary" love relationships (in which sex is of course also included, although.. it must not be if not wanted lol). So it is basically like an open relationship, just that it is not limited to sex with others. It involves also love for others and from others. Polyamory is generally a very complex thing. I wouldn't dare to try it myself and I would not recommend it. Mostly not to you if you never had even a simple M/F relation before. Start with that kind, I would say