While I remain a firm (bad word choice?) supporter of this game and MrDots' productions in general, if the above stays the norm and D doesn't get the chance to also have her own dalliances on the side, it will say to me that her growth path from a sexual maturity and independent thinking standpoint has hit a ceiling.
She still seeks career, home and family growth paths, but as far as her relationship with the MC and her own rocket-like trajectory with experiencing all she finds interesting, it would otherwise be more of the same, IMHO. Opening up their relationship to include close friends on a more regular basis, with controlled swinging, etc. remains somewhat interesting, but there would otherwise remain an immense double-standard in how the MC acts vs D and that has been sitting less well with me for a number of installments, now.
Essentially, the MC has all the power in this relationship at the end of the day - despite all the discussions of doing what they want, etc. - and artificially keeping him enabled to cheat while she must act only upon his agreement and in the same physical space just keeps her under his thumb. It's a far bigger thumbprint than offered by her mother, but still there is someone placing boundaries on her and it almost seems as if he's grooming her to remain in his orbit at all times.
Hopefully my concerns will prove to be premature and/or point-in-time applicable as Chapter 4 moves forward.
It's as you said, probably premature to worry about this but since we're here to speculate : relationships where the man cheats and the woman doesn't are very common. Wether the woman knows about it or not. So it wouldn't shock me if the story went on keeping this same dynamic.
But it would be boring. What I'd like to see is :
1st stage, consensual sharing,
2nd stage : something happens that makes D have sex with someone else unbeknownst to her father. Wether it's nice (love at first sight with some guy) or not (some guy threatens to reveal her secret right as her career really starts to take off, unless she accepts to have sex with him. And of course she mustn't tell anything to her dad or else he reveals all to the press).
I prefer the second option. Not only because I'm a perv, but also because it's more interesting drama. All the internal turmoils of D, all the "police procedural" type of scenes, like D planning how to get rid of this threat, who does she enrolls to help ? (probably one of the other girls, which could lead to sex scenes if for example Elena participates in a scheme to get information on the blackmailer and has to offer favors to some concierge or anything in this style but more original) and how they finally manage to get rid of him.
Which makes me think that when the writers will leave the ship, or when they simply don't have any more ideas, they could just make a "DmD - Alternate stories", even after the official game is over, and just select stories from the players, improve/correct stuff and integrate the ones they like into this. Just in case they don't have enough ideas to prolong DmD till the end of times.