The competition: If you play Sunshine Love, you know that D does become a famous model, just not yet. If she doesn't the character Kristina makes absolutely no sense. As for Cassandra, there was dialogue early in Chapter 3 that she put all her eggs in one basket with D winning the contest. She put her job on the line and she lost it. The modelling industry is barbaric and Georgina is getting older so they dropped her. D is just disenfranchised for now, but what will happen in Chapter 4? We have a famous out of work model that is drop dead gorgeous (and in Sunshine Love is also an active model), a woman who knows how to run a modelling agency that is no longer attached to an agency that would kick her out over a loss at a competition, and a fresh model that pretty much everyone thinks should have won. Where does that leave F? Well, Georgina mentions her manager in Sunshine Love too and it is heavily implied that F is her manager. Oh, and they have two photographers that are fairly loyal, one extremely loyal. Sounds like the making of their own modeling agency to me. Oh, and you could bring in Martin as well as he also has experience running a business. If Tyra is ever exposed for helping to rig the contest with the sleazy judge, that will do a lot for D's confidence and career as well.
The ending: D says she THINKS she is pregnant, not that she is pregnant. It was obviously put in as a cliffhanger. As with Chapter 3, I'm sure there will be a few questions at the start of Chapter 4 and one of them will be "Did D take her pregnancy pill?". Also, models can and have been pregnant and still manage to work during and after the pregnancy. If F, Georgina and Cassandra make their own agency, it will be fairly easy to keep her on retainer.
Rachel: I completely agree with Rachel, but remember this was her first encounter with D after they had an explosive falling out. D is still angry, but that doesn't last forever. Time heals all wounds and all that. Hopefully Chapter 4 will keep Rachel in the story and she becomes more involved. The reason Rachel didn't stick around though is she renounced her citizenship when she married Brad so was only on a temporary tourist visa, much like D and Elena in Chapter 1. She wouldn't be able to stay no matter what happened. She would have to get her citizenship back before she moved to Seaside. There is also the relationship of Rachel and Maria which I hope gets more development. There was good chemistry there and I think they could become more than a drunken one night stand.