Finished all 3 chapters.
Small review: i not a huge fun of incestious relationships (soft words), romantic story is nice, but after final of chapter 2. i really got bored. Game kicks back in beauty contest, which i read fully without any skipping. My thought, that Melody (the previous work of this developer) is a lot better. This whole relationship system is very confusing (some points,like BDSM, doesn't have any meanings and in chapter 3 all points expect Love were removed-you cannot see their progression.
Rate: 5/10. (Melody, for me, is 8/10).
Finished all 3 chapters.
Small review: i not a huge fun of incestious relationships (soft words), romantic story is nice, but after final of chapter 2. i really got bored. Game kicks back in beauty contest, which i read fully without any skipping. My thought, that Melody (the previous work of this developer) is a lot better. This whole relationship system is very confusing (some points,like BDSM, doesn't have any meanings and in chapter 3 all points expect Love were removed-you cannot see their progression.
Rate: 5/10. (Melody, for me, is 8/10).
Finished all 3 chapters.
Small review: i not a huge fun of incestious relationships (soft words), romantic story is nice, but after final of chapter 2. i really got bored. Game kicks back in beauty contest, which i read fully without any skipping. My thought, that Melody (the previous work of this developer) is a lot better. This whole relationship system is very confusing (some points,like BDSM, doesn't have any meanings and in chapter 3 all points expect Love were removed-you cannot see their progression.
Rate: 5/10. (Melody, for me, is 8/10).
1. Bestiality is not off the table.
2. Don’t know yet how it will manifest (with D; not with D)
3. Don’t know when it will manifest (though almost certainly not in Chapter 3 - though don’t put that in stone)
4. Just my opinion, but likely to be a dog
5. A dog will appear in the next release, but don’t know if that dog will have the bestiality role - or if that dog will just be a day-player (btw, the dog scene coming up is my idea and I am jazzed to see how MDots renders that scene)
6. Any bestiality will be avoidable, of course
7. I still think some NTR-light theme is a great dramatic tension filled concept, is a theme used from Casablanca to Back to the Future, and anyone who disagrees is a low self esteem weenie (oops, how’d that get in here)
8. The main administrator over on Discord is very opposed to bestiality and I value his opinion - his Issue is the lack of “free agency” similar to the issue with child-adult sex (that being said he also does not seem opposed to the dog that jumps up on the bed and starts licking at genitals while a couple has sex - since this is a fairly common experience)
9. I’ve opined that I don’t find dog renders in sex personally sexually exciting, and if we were doing this, I suggest we focus on the female reaction and not on the dog
10. I’ve also opined that male dogs in sex don’t thrust a lot and, in reality, they hump, then stick it in, the knot forms and then they just stand there
11. Bestiality has never been off the topic for either MDots or Hearsz, and there are notes on it from before Chapter 2 was even considered, as well as notes in the planning documents for it to possibly appear in Chapter 2. (I won’t go into details because this is one of those “walk the line” imo Like with D-another male sharing).
12. The plot notes I mention in 11 above, one was by MDots and one was by Hearsz, so neither are opposed to bestiality Per se.
13. Imo, I would prefer to go down the route of D and a dog involvement in a “soft core” way than Elena or Tyra in a “hard core” way - but that is only imo.
There you go. While the above does will not please everyone - and possibly not anyone - it does set forth the various shades of grey on this issue.
How does impregnation/pregnancy work in this game? Are their any pregnant characters (with belly) or special impregnation scenes? What's up with the black character?
How does impregnation/pregnancy work in this game? Are their any pregnant characters (with belly) or special impregnation scenes? What's up with the black character?