A review of this game
Chapter 1 perfect for me we get to see each characters personality and mc's and dee's relationship whom begins to blossom
Chapter 2 Masterpiece mc and dee's relationship upgrades to that of love and our characters throws out any last restraints that may have due to their relationship as father-daughter also we have enough sex scenes from other characters as well elena, Jennifer and Georgina
even more thanks
Chapter 3 ...
2.The Martin isue the problem with Martin could be solved pretty easily for me since there were many debates first you can make the relationship optional and open a route for martin and let people decide and be done with it or you can explain clear that there will be no NTR content on this game(for me this is not NTR is sharing but whatever)
ahem ... you are aware that martin IS avoidable? Just ignore him at office early in game and he will never appear again.
Even you did NOT, you always can avoid his content by just making the decision not to allow Dee to be with him later in game.
Chapter 4 Failure the purposose of chapter 4 was to get some scenes that were missing from previous chapters some 4somes with Father-Dee-Elena-Georgina or Father-Dee-Elena-Jennifer instead we got one whole scene in an entire chapter epic fail for me
wrong - the purpose of chapter 4 was never to give you scenes you might be missing in previous chapters, chapter 4 was of course to continue the story with Dee, her career and MC.
Second we get the impression of one step forward two steps back we saw in previous chapters that daughter wanted to start a family with mc and at chapter 4 we see the daughter scared of having a baby with mc wtf this gives me the impression that the developers have forgotten what they wrought at previous chapters
you are right - but life isn't that straight forward. If you are fresh in love, you think different about certain things and you might change your mind once you start to think about it a bit more.
Third mr Dots fell to the trap of having continuous sex scenes with dee without even making it more kinky discarding almost entirely other characters Elena, Georgina, Jennifer and they did not even consider to at least spice things up (insert some bdsm scenes for god's sake)
personally i 100% agree to that
Now for the endings half of them are the same worst is you saw one you saw all and the cherry on top the flashback wtf
Well - it's still a novel SLIGHTLY changed by the choice of player. There is no need to create huge different endings for different setups. The story made to end in a certain way - the only difference is whith what partner(s) and kids or not.
These facts makes me think two things either they wanted to extend DMD for as long as they could without any real plot in mind or they gave their attention to their other game either way the 4th chapter failed to deliver what mr dots team said to give...
same as above: the plot is EXACTLY as wanted it to be - it's the ONE plot (with slightly different changes).
Before mr dots go to make another game i recomend him and his team to look those games for ideas
mildlife crisis
The Visit
both game suck (imho) - if you compare these to DMD (render and writing - same as absolute weird and unbelievable story plot just for the sake of doing lewds) then i can't help.
I am happy that we are even NOT like these 2 - sorry, but this is just my opinion.
If you would have mentionned BADIK for example, i might have agreed, but the mentionned 2 are worse examples