Wow - so much emotion. The game is not for quick wanking. It is a story. It takes time to unfold. There are some issues I am sure, but is it bloody excellent. For me it is one of the few that even tries to see into the female mind. I get it that girls are objects...sexual objects...for a lot of guys. Men are often that way for girls too. The number of stories that have a female perspective is tiny.
So if you don't like it, or you see an issue. Then make your point. Stop hogging the space. Others like the story and did not count the days (I didn't and I have played it end to end several times). Now I have my version of the storyline saved and it is important to me for my enjoyment. No more noise, it is beginning to ruin it for me. Thanks
Good to hear your approval. I pulled multiple articles and testimonials of ladies and their orgasms, what they find attractive and exciting, and posted them and sent them to Mr Dots and his team of (male) writers. I hope it paid off. The writing team has done a lot of their own research (from cooking to yoga) and it appears to be paying off. Thank goodness for the Internet - makes it much easier.
Several of us in the DMD meta discussion thread agreed that this story would be more compelling if D was the MC.
However, so many players seem to want to "become" the MC. Since the majority of players are presumably male, this leads to so many male MCs.
It would have been a treat to have D as the MC...
Even if not the MC, as I have said many times before, D is a protagonist - and could ultimately be more,of,the main protagonist than the MC by game end.
It would surprise me if Lucas does quietly disappear. He could pass on his suspicions of the F/D relationship to his brother, Richard. Blackmail--possibly a nude photo shoot--could follow...
Great idea! Cops don't believe Lucas as he is an attempted rapist - but would Richard start to believe his brother ... and do his own "snooping" - you have a diabolical mind.
Where is the invite for the self defense class?
On Day 10, MC is at the office helping out Martin. MC gets a call from the police who want to know if he would come to the station. When he goes to the station to make a report, he is asked if MC would like to sign D up for a self defense class. Say yes and the code point is set.
I consider both of them MCs. F is the point of view, which does not mean he is the only MC. Gatsby is arguably the MC of the great Gatsby even though the narrator is someone else. I would also argue that Gatsby is so fascinating precisely because his story is narrated through someone else's eyes. And I guess it works the same way with D. Part of her appeal derives from the fact that you see her from the outside, as a free agent partially independent from players' choices. My two cents.
For me a female MC is a turn off. I wouldn't play DMD if D was the player character. It happened to me with Flamecito's game "I Love Daddy", I only played the first version of it, it had a beautiful female character, good graphics and a story similar to "Dating My Daughter", but the MC was the girl. So I lost interest in it. I don't even know if it is still in development. I suppose I'm not the only one who thinks this way.
I agree. As a dude, having the MC be a dude fits more with what I, as a dude, want to look at. (Especially as this game is visually so first person). However, I have no,problem with D being more of the protagonist. The really great protagonist first (or third) person games I love, but the coding of them can get very complicated and require a team (I.e. the Bioscape series or Hard Rain).
Elena gave D a necklace to wear BEFORE they went to the casino. D has now lost/misplaced TWO necklaces...
LOL - neclaces are either D's or MrDots Achilles' heel.
For me it was game over after Lucas confronted daughter, I even played it three times to make sure if i didn't saw some other possibility other than go to store to pick up things for lunch... (SPOILER ALERT) After Lucas came and dropped top of daughter game ended and i was able only to load old save to continue it, not like when i ended 0.12 where the screen with coming soon pops up.. If someone has Day 2 save with rejecting photographer i will be more than thankful to you <3
Go to Day 10 - go to the police station - accept the police technician's offer of a self defense course.
Don't do that to me brother
I hustled 5 days to get to the point where I am right now, I'm hardworking on some programmes for my company so I don't have much time daily to play it (but when i have it i enjoy it alot)
AND don't get me wrong, im not some perv old man playing dmd, im 22 rn just to be clear (some people take to many sentences out of content
LoL - When you get older you will realize that life is not lived differently based on your actual age, but based on your imagined age. I think Hugh Hefner may have said that.
SORRY FOR THE JEFF STEEL HOUR - was away for several days and replied to several days of posts at once. Now off to see what I missed in fan art. You fan art guys are ridiculously fabulous.