Surely, there should be excess funds from DMD. If there aren't, the studio fully deserves to fail.
It is DMD that is funding Melody, not the other way around.
Melody is doomed. That extra Patreon ingredient will surely spoil the broth. There will be no hiding that fact...
Don’t disagree with the funding issue. Even before I was helping, it has been my opinion that funding or desire to spend funding has not been the “narrowing of the funnel” at issue. I believe the narrowing is MDots and his being the artist with control over all the scenes.
Look how good DMD started out with an arguably week script. It was due, IMO, to MDots art selection, facial expression selection over a scene, etc. MDots, imo, then has gotten better as DMD progressed. Soon the shot selection and shot sequencing, lighting choices, etc became markedly striking. (Face it, the scripting in DMD compared to other writing is okay to good - but if you had a choice between a consistently great script minus the MDots art and style vice a junk script with the MDots art - I believe the overwhelming verdict would be for MDots input).
So yes, there is a funnel issue - and it is imo at the area most critical to the success of both DMD and Melody. Could MDots find help at his caliber (or at a level that would not detract from his work)? Of course. Would it be easy for him to do that? I don’t know. Will he ever do that? I don’t know. All I know is there is a reason I started following and pledging, and it was his work and the weird voodoo he does in creating (at least in Daughter) these almost motion picture quality scenes with one or more female characters who squirrel away small fragments of awe in your heart.
For that I accept the narrowing of the funnel and then try to work with that restriction to the betterment of both VNs.
(Oh, and for the record, there are several scenes and parts of scenes where I thought they were really excellent - the most recent scene, and people have already disagreed with me, is the MC/Jennifer home date/sex scene. I believe Hearz wrote that one. It, for me flowed, consistently believable, humorous appropriate bits, and sexual tension in one sequence that worked in the totality.)