Yup. It's easy for us to know better, of course, but flawed characters gonna flaw. So many villainous characters have done exactly that -- start shit, get beat, try and wave the white flag and be civil, then use that opening to undermine the heroes through doubt and such. Involving Moe was a smart touch from the aunt -- bringing in a supposedly legitimate law figure, not to mention a friend of the target/MC, just makes the findings (in support of the slanted case) seem all the more convincing.There are multiple angles here to view. Celia has an axe to grind. MC just wants to be left alone from Lenie's family, and focus on his work and daughter. Amanda is trying to find her place in the world (as a young adult) and has always identified herself as a semi-orphan (mom died) and down on her luck due to MC (dad) never having cash. Now Celia comes in and says that she could have had money and her mom could have been saved if MC (dad) would have swallowed his pride and done something (don't know - haven't got there). Amanda is frustrated, a teenager, and now her entire identity is thrown for a loop. Yes she looses her shit and needs space to think. Again - She is a freaking teenager.
I do agree that having Amanda stay with her was a step too far. Dunno if that'll be important later.
I'm actually GLAD it isn't the millionth "oh no my lover is cheating" conflict storyline, which seems to be a crutch these games find all too convenient to lean on. As messy as the execution has been, at least it isn't a retread of that.