VN Others Completed Daughter Saga 1 [Ep. 1-5] [Sagas]

2.60 star(s) 26 Votes


Engaged Member
May 4, 2017
the recent Patreon drama hit a lot of dev's so this delay while disappointing isn't so bad considering good dev's had to take time away from development to dealing with this issue.

quite a few good releases coming next couple of days so happiness all around while we wait!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017
Unfortunately I cannot access the updates on dev's patreon, so I cannot check, if he has written any updates regarding the realese of EP 4....Might be nice to have an update.


Active Member
May 28, 2017
I will just leave this here, by way of an update (this was all cut and pasted from Patreon comments - so check the time of this post to get reference to the times cited below):

Eagerly awaiting this release! 22h (ago)

It will come :-D edit: totaly sure! edit: still sure :-D edit: :-D 22h (ago)

3 hrs `18 min before it is the 29th in Pacific Daylight Time. Then it is no longer, 28th Evening PST. hoping next 12 hours, at least. 16h (ago or 11:32 Eastern Daylight Time on Oct 28)
(the dev)
Hey Spar, I hear ya. Last minute wrap-up stuff. Within the next 12 hours. 11h (ago)

In dev time ... minutes easily count as hours :p :) 8h (ago)


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
Painting glass panels silver as we speak (making mirrors)
Episode 4 is separate from 3 So uploading episode 4 above episode 3 links
Updated OP!
Edited the edited edit... Done! Mirrors are up and boy is this dog ugly! :WutFace:
Enjoy the game!
Last edited:


Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
So plugging your daughter's pussy numerous times with a dildo is ok, but touching her breasts is a game over??? That makes no freaking sense...
I found a couple of game overs, but touching boobs did not result in one.

Episode seems about par for the course. A little less confusing, but still somehow simultaneously harebrained and ponderously slow.

The game-over screen's quickload button is still buggy, and I also managed to somehow skip the "choose your name" step once, and it gave me a default name (Chris). I tried doing it again, and there was no option for that. Weird.
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 16, 2016
Can you save in this new version? Are teh episodes linked in some way. I mean are the variables/choices in the previous episodes moved to the next?

Thanks a lot!
2.60 star(s) 26 Votes