
Jun 5, 2017
dude thats what we were talking about a few posts before. Slutcraft devs also ukranians and theyre not milking their patreons
also, people dont stop working bc of war! and is not like Mulan is getting bombed every morning and living in a shelter i mean cmon... thats not war nowadays (also considering he may not living in the eye of the storm, which, i honestly dont think so, for what i know the rest of the country is working pretty normal considering the context). the worst of war is over and this guy doesnt make any new content after 2 years dude. wtf xd
also if theres a personal campaing for he to milk money bc of war, thats Ok. but doesnt sharing any content in this site isnt gonna help since donating is a personal choice whatever the context is, furthermore considering this is a promotional site where he can get new patreons, its kinda dumb hide your project for so long after making any progress. new users and potential patreons gonna (and will do) think this is over for sure. So, stupid movement there.
Returning to the Slutcraft case, or any other, what u can do, and its pretty reasonable. is to update in Patreon and few weeks after, make it public. And thats bc the hype (and posibilities to attract new patreons) is only the first week after the realase. And every dev knows that. So, if you hide your project for so long (and if you the dev, ur in your total right to do so) its bc some personal choice based in your intrest in this site (maybe dont like users, mods, what this site represent), no more. Dont make any excuse out of that, pls :)
If you think im totally wrong, then prove me wrong. And tell me why the most popular (financially and among users here), are the ones that make the update public at some point and also have some contact with players/users.
Then again, if u want to hide in shadows, thats cool, u in your right, but dont make external excuses bc your personal choice
I didnt say anyone was right or wrong. he said with out reason and war is a reason in reality, one may be from a non invaded part of Ukraine and one may who knows.


May 15, 2021
Look, full disclosure - you’ve got me. I indeed orchestrated the whole war between Ukraine and Moscovia in order to work even less. Being bombed is a small price to pay when I receave half of my usual income in return.

I don’t post on patreon and I won’t post anything except for an actual update. because I physically can’t talk about anything except the war. I do not want to use it as an excuse, I didn’t use it as an excuse, and I will remain silent for the exact same reason.

In the end it doesn't even matter, because even without the war - I didn’t name any dates, my patreon page has no mentions of any dates, all of that is in your own delusional heads. Toodles.
calling your own patrons delusional because they expect some update after over a year of paying your salary which is more than double what most people make in your country? yikers.

im repeating myself but if you even worked 10% of the average time most people spend on their job, in a year, you'd have something to show for it.

i genuinely hope i am wrong because this is one of my fave nsfw games, but i doubt anything can convince me im not right.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
Pausing money collection and putting the game onhold to go through a difficult time where you won't be able to work is acceptable.
2 years without any update collecting monthly money and making empty promises to keep the public interest is not acceptable.
I never said it was, by the way.
Some may loooove to call me a scammer defender for it, but when no information is availiable, I'd rather accept there are unknown informations rather than immediatly jump in joy at the idea of trying to destroy a dev's reputation by going around calling them a scammer.
Because unless said dev openly admit to have stopped working to milk patrons, or unless you know them personally, there's no way to know what's going on.


Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
Hahaha, mulan got active instantly when abandoned appeared (and suspiciously disappeared without any reason)

Well, its truly disgusting to read that WAR!!!!111 stopped game production. Your country (if its even yours) is in state of armed conflict since 2014 but only now you cant think about anything else but next patreon payment day war. Wish you calibration, scam.
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Leafless Twig

Dec 18, 2018


New Member
Jun 3, 2020
Well it's good to see an update, as weird as it is.
I understand why the game is put in "abandoned" state given the rules and the post from Mulan here. Will be glad to support again once there is a new patreon update though.
Hahaha, mulan got active instantly when abandoned appeared (and suspiciously disappeared without any reason)

Well, its truly disgusting to read that WAR!!!!111 stopped game production. Your country (if its even yours) is in state of armed conflict since 2014 but only now you cant think about anything else but next patreon payment day war. Wish you calibration, scam.
Lack of updates and situation of the game aside, if you think the situation in Ukraine is the same between 2014 and now, I'm not sure what to tell you outside of "read the news".


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
Lack of updates and situation of the game aside, if you think the situation in Ukraine is the same between 2014 and now, I'm not sure what to tell you outside of "read the news".
All i'd say is "Don't feed the trolls", but I'm guilty of that as well.


Jul 21, 2021
so. . . Is it mean that there won't be any updates or the developing of the game won't be continued?
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Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
I don’t post on patreon and I won’t post anything except for an actual update.

- I didn’t name any dates, my patreon page has no mentions of any dates,

all of that is in your own delusional heads. Toodles.
Silence from the author broke through, but not information, but just words :)

So much time has passed and the avatar has not had a continuation of the game and there is still no game and in the near future or maybe years there will be no continuation of the game !!!

1-2-3 scenes for several years are not an UPDATE, and breast size improvements and other improvements without a plot are not an update !
The author of the innovation has an IMPROVEMENT , not a continuation of the game !!!

Previously, the author said that this is a game and not an improvement of mods, but then the author's news (I have a brilliant idea there will be no updates, there will be many IMPROVEMENTS) and now even these improvements are not there :)

Well , everything is clear there is no game and there will not be the next few years for sure ! (This is approximately :))
Thank you for clarifying the news (THERE IS NO GAME !!!)
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