If the dev is going back over the early parts and breaking saves anyway, I hope they'll take the opportunity to revisit the distribution of the bad/good points, as they seem rather random at the moment (some minor choices giving a lot of points, some seemingly major choices not affecting the balance at all). Better to get that sorted now than have to do yet another rewrite.
It seems random at the moment but it isn't. Some of those major choices purposefully don't have any points associated with them. When the story plays out fully, the point distributions will make more sense. I hope when this thing is done, you can look back on your decisions and see how the little things added up to become big things.
I hate censorship even self caused. I truly wish players would let devs tell the story they envision. I wish devs would stop reworking. However I wish for 2.5 million dollars and I feel each has an equal chance of happening
I'm not censoring myself, so you don't have to worry about that. I'm not changing her storyline either. What I'm rewriting is how her story is presented. My first plan was to drip feed info until a big reveal, now I'm going to front load more. With players knowing very little about Phoebe when that scene happens, I think it's better to give a clearer picture of what went wrong. Leaving far less guess room means that new players won't make up reasons in their head, or at least I hope they won't

they are saying that they saw people weren't getting the intended point of that part of the story. So they are now changing it to be clearer and more within the original vision of the story they wanted to tell you.
It's pretty much this exactly. I want to make her motivations clearer to players, especially new ones. Her overall story isn't changing at all. All her future story points are remaining the same, with the exception of her full story reveal to Glasha because it wouldn't work anymore.
She let her emotion's get to her
She worked on herself
She asked for forgiveness
Didnt betray even after leaving
She accepted she was wrong but also grew.
Looks like she went through the 5 stages of Acceptance.
Felt like she went through all the emotional process to move forward and grow
Those things will still be the same after the rewrite. My intention is to give people more info about
why she needed to grow. I'm not making any changes to her storyline. I happen to like Phoebe the way she is

. She isn't perfect but I think that's what makes her interesting. Imperfect people behaving imperfectly.