I was getting errors doing the shrinky dust and then doing the greater slime.
something like unable to load img/pictures/gfx-3 gfk-6 etc....
I went into the folder and made duplicates of all the gfk numbers and called them gfk-1, gfk-2 etc... being that i don't know if there was a problem with those two numbers (I got it for 3 and 6) or if it was that fight. (using the word fight very loosely there lol)
so i have two sets of gfk numbers (gfk1 gfk-1 so on). And that resolved that issue. Figured I'd let it be known in case others hit the same problem and I figure either the fight or those numbers have a typo when doing call to/referencing them in code/rpg maker.
I have another issue that every time I die, even if I'm leveled down to 1, I'll rebirth in the rift and I'll be level 43. Disclaimer there, I am cheating with the code (I kind of went really high level early so I can bully my way to the new content quicker) I have done some fiddling and maybe I've solved it but I am not sure yet (I kind of doubt it but the fix I tried is 50/50)
That one isn't a game breaking bug, I just level myself down. But I thought I'd let it be known in case others are encountering it.
Also, your game has come a really long way and I'm impressed with how much it's grown and I still see so much more in potential in this already great game. Kudos for making it.