Despite its relative age and the tragic fact that this particular title is now abandoned, I am totally fresh to this title.
For what it's worth, regardless of any possible link to or continuation in "Love Lust and Lunacy", I absolutely LOVE "DAST" just the way it is. For my taste, it is excellently rendered, the story well reasoned, extremely well...impeccably actually...written and as a result totally enthralling.
I loved all of the girls and I have not enjoyed playing an mc as much as this one in a long, long time.
I haven't finished enjoying this title yet, but due to the fact that I've admittedly only experienced "DAST" through F95, I shall, in due course, at the very least subscribe to "Love, Lust and Lunacy" for a month or two to give back a little to this great Developer in return for the pleasure all of his/her imagination, effort and skill has given me here. It's the very least I can do. It's the very least that all of us here of a similar experience can do.
Everyone is, of course, entitled to their own choice and selfish or altruistic outlook, but, be this a creator's hobby or not, no-one should expect to enjoy the time and labor of others in return for no recompense. We would not for one moment willingly do so ourselves would we. If you enjoyed this, give a little back. Everyone who has the honest financial's only the cost of a couple of beers after all...should be prepared to do so in return for the pleasure these creators willingly offer us.
If we all gave a little back then there'd be far more choice available and far, far fewer, I am sure, abandonments. Sure there are scummy milkers and scammers amngst developers out there, but I feel sure those numbers are more than equalled by the cynical freeloaders among us in here. No matter how cautious or prudent we may try to be, there's risk, especially nowadays financially, in every facet of our lives. That's absolutely no valid reason to intentionally freeload off the extremely hard work and often amazing creative skills and imagination of the so very many legitimate and sincere ASN developers.