Well, well, well...
Here we are again.
Another deadline, another miss, a tale as old as time on the Dual Family thread.
Crew were excited to finally see the legendary, mythical animations produced by Fatcat, animations supposedly over two years in the making, what revelations did they reveal? Did they in-vigor hope in the chat? Inspire new faith with jaw dropping visuals that gave us all a reason to go 'ahhh...I see it now! I see why it's taking so long!'
...Not really.
While Gumdrops failed to hit the deadline (pathetically), once again, he tried to shake things up a bit! Offering us for the first time a real glimpse into the ACTUAL Update!
Now was the chance for Gumdrops to show,
knowing he had once again failed to meet the final, final, final, FINAL deadline, (Remember boys and girls,
(it's getting embarrassing at this point, his words, not mine

), the complexity and intensity of the work being produced in this update to justify this and all previous delays.
Now was the time to show something substantial to mitigate the rumors about him and stifle the ever growing discontent, to provide an eye-watering peak behind the curtain, letting us know the wait was justified.
...But instead of substance, once again the tired old, 'I'm an over-protective Mom' excuse came out, (one of the Gumdrops mammal's favorite excuses in it's natural habitat).
Well, I'm afraid the 'over-protective Mom' has smothered her cubs, because the absolute bare bones lack of anything convincing when it comes to substantial work to show with this 'update' has only poisoned the well further with any 'trust' you could give to him as a 'developer' (A term I use loosely in his case).
Gumdrops' continued promises that all the 'good stuff' is hidden away behind the secret Vault has been promised for so long now, that most of are pretty sure the only thing in the vault is not the promised gold, just some dust and cobwebs.
Production goes well as usual.
Anyway, the teasers!
The first teaser was just the usually melodramatic nonsense with 'The Matriach' (God that's pretentious to write), chatting the usual flutter of absolute nothing, offering no insight into anything other than the continued whining of it's self-absorbed depressed cast.
Despite all the bluster of improved visuals, the standing characters look little to have improved from their 2017 iteration, it's no wonder the teasers as highlighted by our new F95 Detective, WinterW, are all angled to obscure most of the scenes, as to actual SHOW the scene would require actual development, and why do that when you can just do another weird dutch angle shot close up and hide your actual lack of work?
See here for some additional night-time reading material courtesy of our very own P.I!
I'm convinced at this point Gumdrops must just permanently live on a boat out at sea, it would explain why he only see's the world through the lens of the Dutch angle, for to him, everything is a Dutch angle!
The Second Teaser was slightly more promising, (kinda), while the animation did look incredibly smooth, it only showed a pair of gently swaying a little...Exciting stuff.
One would think a Developer might be more inclined to show something a bit more enticing! But what would I know right?
Now comes the next excuse already lined up, as this sordid affair continues, it is no doubt that with Fat Cat's imminent departure, the animations will remain incomplete and Gumdrops will need to seek out 'another Animator.'
*Cough* Prepping his Discord for the next let down, must be an emotional rollercoaster being one of his followers at this point! You go up and up with promises and then just, 'sorry lads and laddettes
Maybe next time, won't you take this sweet ladies hand though for a dance when she arrives?'
One would think he would have hired an additional animator to help Fatcat given the apparent production speed, or, perhaps he might have thought to have used the time more wisely, knowing FatCat is leaving on a set date a to seeking an animator to replace him now rather than later, presumably where there will be zero development in the meanwhile while he seeks out his 'new' animator.
Or, maybe he could just bloody do the thing himself. I dunno.
P.S I know some of the Gumdrops minions frequent this thread to read up and angrily report to their master, Hi guys!

Welcome to the party!
The truth is, this sordid tale has gone on so long,
I'm actually starting to forget the details, like a fantasy epic, it just goes on...and on...and on....But one brave soul managed to give a pretty good recap of the whole thing! You can find the NEW Gumdrops Historian,
TheFapperBoy and his recapping of this long dreary tale, here!
Oh, but don't worry!
In case you were wondering how the wide eyed sheep of the Discord were reacting to ANOTHER failed delay.
It'lL bE wOrTh It In ThE eNd GuYz
If ever there was a time to introduce a new tag Gumdrops' behavior, this would be it.
Gumdrops continues to 'skirt' the rules (barely) by maintaining faux-activity), and if rules can be written and created solely because of another awful Dev, DarthSmut, then the same can be applied to Gumdrops. 'Scam-Dev' is my tag suggestion, make it nice and bright for people to see, and only remove it once the Dev actually does something worthwhile.
This is your Captain,
Signing off!