You guys do know that the only ones "getting people's hopes up" and enforcing the feelings that nothing is going on are you by coming back here and posting on an abandoned game thread, thus creating notifications for anyone following ? Also, we're getting new spoilers every three months or so on the discord about new content.
We've already had that conversation here before, and mods had to remove the whole thing, so we won't redo the whole debate.
Let me just state what we know so far :
Game is still being worked on.
There was a side attempt, by a discord member! not by the dev! (but approved by him) to port it to unity with alternative game modes, but with the recent Unity situation it's uncertain. (as i said, by a member, not by the dev, so there was no added delay in the main game's update)
Slave packs are being made by the community according to the new folder models.
Dev would like to be able to bring the update by the end of the year if possible but no assurance on this (because of IRL and anything that can happen). Also at this point, he won't update an unfinished update as St Anger proposed because with how much waiting we have already done, getting a non-finished product would be indecent. It's been so long, so might as well make it as worth it as possible.
As much as it is nice to see people are still waiting on the update here on f95, i think it's better for anyone if we just leave that thread sleeping until the actual update.
Posts message telling people not to post, hmmmm.
People will post here regardless, as noted by the dozens of pages of people coming here to go "Oh, the game is abandoned" or ask questions about the game. If you can't handle an extra notification, stop following the thread. I come online to 40+ notifications every day, I sometimes don't check any of them, especially if none show that the title of the game has changed to a new version. The game will be in the "latest games" page and the title of the thread will change if it ever actually gets an update. If you're getting your hopes up because of posts in the thread, that's on you.
One thing we can stop people from doing is responding with "Soon TM" every time somebody mentions a possible update. We've been hearing that for years, give people an honest response. People that have been following this thread should know better at this point. I hope the game gets more work done on it of course, but at least tell people: "The game hasn't received an update in 2+ years so we don't know if it will ever update consistently or get finished".
At least you added some more info about the development stuff for people that are unaware. I will say this game development is starting to resemble the R-Life game though, with the dev seemingly terrified of actually posting an update. The "Doesn't want to post a half finished product" feeling the dev apparently has might poison development rather than help it. What is considered a "finished product"?, and has that "finished product" definition been changed over the last 2+ years? If yes to that last question, the dev probably needs to get over their anxiety and/or perfectionism shit and post an update, lol. It's just going to get harder and harder to post an update the more time passes.
Basically the "Just post an update" messages seems like it could actually be good advice for the dev at this point imo. Maybe the dev is just really slow and that advice isn't needed, I don't know. I guess in that case, keep going at it. 2+ years seems a bit much to me for just "slow" though. From what you said with the dev not wanting to post an unfinished project because of how long people have been waiting, seems to me they need a push though.