First let me say thank you for the help. I believe the problem is where I'm putting the files from the patch to the game. I downloaded the game, It worked fine last time. I added the patch and the game would not even open.
Ah, I see. You didn't mention that the game wouldn't even open in your original post. I would've made a completely different suggestion otherwise. XD
First, I'd recommend rebooting your PC, or if you could open your task manager, click on the processes tab, and see if you have any instances of Ecchi Sensei running there. If you do, click on any instances of Ecchi Sensei and then select End Task. Please be careful not to select something besides instances of Ecchi Sensei, I wouldn't want you to crash your PC. If you're uncomfortable doing this, rebooting your PC is the safest and best option.
After you've done that, see if you can get the game to launch this time. If that doesn't work, I'll give you a detailed walkthrough to make sure the game works properly for you with the patch installed.