Jun 29, 2017
Gotta say I love the really slow build up with Masae.
One of the few critiques I have of this game is actually the huge character cast. They do have their own fairly unique personalities, but the fact that we're switching between several girls over several releases, means you end up forgetting some of them as well. It sort of gets hard to develop any real "bond" to them, especially the ones you're only really lukewarm on. Added to that it can be slightly tiring that 99% of them are ready to jump your bones from the get go.
"The chase is better than the catch", as they say.
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Oct 4, 2017
After such a good run, the lucky streak for EcchiSensei had to end.
The last Hitomi-Matsu 'Dark Mind' scene in the 'White Day Special' is one of the worst written scenes I had the privilege of witnessing in an Eroge/VN to date. Her ability to cope with, analyse and resolve proceeding events is on par with Perry Rhodan's 'psychological instant switch' ability.

From life changing happiness to minutes of life destroying trauma back to 'Business as usual' in less then 30 seconds and 'lovu dovu with MC' for dessert. Unless she has been pre-conditioned through Arkonide Hypnosis, is the daughter of John Carter of Mars and Captain Marvel or is Matsu's 'Evil Twin', that scene needs a decent rewrite. If EcchiSensei would be the 'Star Wars' of H-games that scene is my personal 'Ranger Solo'. So i will just pretend it happened different than it did.
Apart from that, nice update, though.

One of the few critiques I have of this game is actually the huge character cast. ... ..."The chase is better than the catch", as they say.
I believe the game should have been in 'Open World' mode by now and then it would be player's pick and choose. At least that is what I remember from early comments. As for the 'readiness'. I found it quite refreshing that all characters are all 'open'. The game isn't called GrinderSensei. But there could be a limit to how many chicks MC is able to bed. It is got hilarious in some instances.
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Deleted member 1399911

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2019
I've not played it yet, but by what you detail there, and what I know from other past time events, Hitomi was sort of in love with Matsu to a point, so it's not that big of a deal for her to 'forgive' him after something like that.. That's just my point of view though, as stated I haven't played the special or the most recent beta's yet..
Jun 29, 2017
I believe the game should have been in 'Open World' mode by now and then it would be player's pick and choose. At least that is what I remember from early comments. As for the 'readiness'. I found it quite refreshing that all characters are all 'open'. The game isn't called GrinderSensei. But there could be a limit to how many chicks MC is able to bed. It is got hilarious in some instances.
To clarify, I'm not against some characters being open, but the fact that such a huge majority of them are, does detract a bit. I'm not even against some characters that are ready for a quick fuck in the bathroom. It goes with my main point, however, that in many cases, you just sort of lose track of the girls.
That's why I love Masae, as a character, but also the interactions we've had with her (and Rikka and Riu/Sloth-Chan, although Rikka might be too dumb to actually flesh out more. :p). They've been there since week 1, building them up. They're memorable, for me. It's going to make reaching the end with them so much more satisfying, if done right.

This is, obviously, just personal preference. I'm definitely not for a grinding system, where I have to increase the "charm"-stat, or whatever. Just perhaps more focused on fewer characters, before introducing way too many other. Or, as you say, an open world system (without grind) where we choose the characters we want to progress with.

Edit; Jeez this post isn't clarifying much, actually. TLDR, more focus on fewer characters, would improve the "bond" you feel with the characters, increasing payoff the further you get with them.
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Q / Motherlover
Mar 13, 2019
I wonder if our wife will ever dare to confess what exactly happened in the past. It is said that she cheated on us, but I don't believe it, not her. Most likely her father raped her, I think. :unsure:
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I wonder if our wife will ever dare to confess what exactly happened in the past. It is said that she cheated on us, but I don't believe it, not her. Most likely her father raped her, I think. :unsure:
My guess, which happened after a few comments on MC, is that MC actually did it. He seems to have lost controlled several times. And my guess is that he does not remember about that one, in which he probably did something else so terrible that she preferred to lie.
I know it is too convoluted, but the game is really done with MC creating a harem out of a city. It is hard for me to believe out of all the people, her wife would cheat. I personally don't care either way, though. Wife is for me the less relevant of the characters XD.
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Jan 7, 2019
My guess, which happened after a few comments on MC, is that MC actually did it. He seems to have lost controlled several times. And my guess is that he does not remember about that one, in which he probably did something else so terrible that she preferred to lie.
I know it is too convoluted, but the game is really done with MC creating a harem out of a city. It is hard for me to believe out of all the people, her wife would cheat. I personally don't care otherwise, though. Wife is for me the less relevant of the characters XD.
really for me shes one of the top characters i want to know about the harem and i wonder how she is going to find out. I really like how fuyu and Tomoe know about it and dont mind.
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
really for me shes one of the top characters i want to know about the harem and i wonder how she is going to find out. I really like how fuyu and Tomoe know about it and dont mind.
People always hate it when I say this (my comments always get facepalm) but I usually dislike when characters are "ohh so you wanna fuck everybody? sure I love it". Without conflict it is kind of pointless. And conflict is at the essence of drama. Like, whiy would I read a story that starts with "and they live happily ever after?"
Having said that, I kind of forgive everything in this game. Most situations are just so ridiculous that is always awesome and always make me laugh. Devs are making an awesome job making this game unique.
Besides, the game has so many things going on at the same time that even if there is no conflict by jealousy there is something else happening.


Jan 7, 2019
People always hate it when I say this (my comments always get facepalm) but I usually dislike when characters are "ohh so you wanna fuck everybody? sure I love it". Without conflict it is kind of pointless. And conflict is at the essence of drama. Like, whiy would I read a story that starts with "and they live happily ever after?"
Having said that, I kind of forgive everything in this game. Most situations are just so ridiculous that is always awesome and always make me laugh. Devs are making an awesome job making this game unique.
Besides, the game has so many things going on at the same time that even if there is no conflict by jealousy there is something else happening.
I dont think she will just accept it off the bat who know i never said or expect her to say that i just said i wonder how it will be explained and how she will handle it because at the end of the day everyone know the mc aint giving up the harem. right......


Active Member
May 29, 2018
soooo kinda old question not too sure but has the door from week one a code? the one saki tries to open by 4 digits?
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