For fuck sakes, you pirates...
Here's the scoop, Number 1, this is not being milked by any means: WE THE PATRONS VOTED FOR THIS SYSTEM, IT WAS OUR CHOICE, WE WANTED IT LIKE THIS! We all voted we wanted merges to go out like this, with all the hassles and bullshit that comes with it because then its all out of the way. That's what the paying consumers of Bluecats work told him to do, thus he does it, obeying the people who actually pay him. If you are a patron, and didn't vote on it? Too bad, we the majority decided it for you. Live with the fact this is reality.
Number 2, this is Bluecats life, this is the start to much bigger things, he wouldn't destroy that by being a donger and deciding to burn this bridge over some short term gains. You know nothing of the dev of the passion he puts into his work, and how he wants Ecchi Sensei to be so much more than a simple VN. If you do not like the style, the progress, the way that development transpires the door is right there, please take yourself away with your unwanted negativity and unwarranted criticisms over a non existent issue of 'milking' patrons.
The game will release, at some point, when shit stops fucking up long enough for it to happen. Until then good news, I'm here to at least try to keep things smoothed over, and not just let you guys just wither on the vine for updates as to what is going on. Stop making flagrantly false claims, until you have any actual evidence to back them they are invalid and irksome to say the least. Feel free to critique the actual content of the game, get annoyed its taking forever, by all means we all are. However, do not accuse the dev team of just trying to make a quick cash grab from this by killing off their dedicated base with horseshit.
With that, I have had a long ass day, I'm out. Stop accusing the creator of being a scammer, he's doing exactly what we told him we wanted done god dammit. So if you wanna blame anyone, blame me and everyone else who voted all at once merges to fix problem areas. I can take it.