
Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
If every game that had a few month delay counted as "on hold", 80% of the games here would be on hold. As long as the dev says work is continuing, the game is not on hold. Typically, unless the dev anounces that a game is on hold, and he pauses his Patreon, the mods won't mark a game as on hold.

It's not like putting this game on hold will suddenly cause the sick team member to make a miraculous recovery or otherwise speed up development, so I don't know why people care.

I am going to give my totally psychic estimate that the merge will release sometime in May, and the next release with actual new content will release in July. So only 4 more months people.

We will see if I am close.
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May 5, 2018
Portugese translation work is being done.
ok so this confuses me a bit, so the Portuguese translation can done right, but doesn't that right require coding work which is apparently done by the project manager? and aren't they also needed to manage and direct how and what work is done but what your saying is that apparently seems to be being done without them? also with the english translation this is a merger not a new update so unless bluecat has done a massive rewrite hasn't the english translation already been done and doesn't it need to be just copied and pasted from point A to B and not actually translate from german to english?

also if the person who is sick is who i think it is i completely understand why bluecat wants to not continue without them but it seems like it would've been better just to say that "a close team member is sick and that they as a team do not feel comfortable moving forward we're sorry for this unexpected delay however we just simply dont want to move on without them as they are a huge part of it both in the work and soul of the team and it wouldnt be the same without them" rather just saying "hey guys translators sick cant move forward still doing stuff though trust us bye"


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
it would've been better just to say that "a close team member is sick and that they as a team do not feel comfortable moving forward we're sorry for this unexpected delay however we just simply dont want to move on without them as they are a huge part of it both in the work and soul of the team and it wouldnt be the same without them"
If you read between the lines, that is basically what they are saying.


May 5, 2018
If you read between the lines, that is basically what they are saying.
okay but if im a new player or someone who doesn't really pay that much attention to this and i wanna know whats going on and all im seeing is ppl saying that the game is being delayed for a translator that can apparently be replaced and the dev (or the devs prs) response is not that strong or not very explanatory and the whole point of the last 10-20 pages have been to stop misinformation wouldn't be better to just say that instead of having to play the read between the lines game? because i feel like we could've avioded both this and about 400 other conversations that have happened in the last week if they just said that in the first place

Skummy Ecchi

Apr 18, 2019
Okay here is the official statement, and I'm sorry if I am not exactly professional, still getting used to what I've chosen to take on. I am not usually this confrontational but I am a bit defensive. However, I will endeavor to act more polite here on in the future. That being said, I stand firm and will continuously work to keep things up to date, and correctly reported on. Lets get on with it!

A very important member of the dev team is currently sick, they are not able to perform their normal functions, work will resume when they can. There is no timeline for this, nor will there be, this team member will simply return to work when able, you will be updated when this is the case I assure you. The team does not feel comfortable moving forward with someone to replace their role, as they are deemed indispensable by the developer, and as such we are currently delayed in progress for the time being. Some minor work is still being done, and progress will continue to move in one way or another so as not to waste the idle time, namely ensuring new update work that can be done ahead of time is being taken care of now so as to have it prepared for after the Merge.

The Dev Team wants this out as badly as you do, they're sick of dealing with it, but the situation is what it is.

Please be patient, wait it out with all of us, and lets try to talk about something else. It would be much appreciated and would give me far less headaches, as I work out the growing pains of what I have chosen to do. To ensure that at least on this site, this game doesn't get bogged down in game delay blues. If you all could participate and get healthy distraction conversations underway? That'd be greeeeat.

Rehashing my last question because I liked my poem and I wanna get more answers:

Tits, Ass, Legs, or Eyes!
Is it up above or between the thighs?
What would you say will turn you on?
Is it her busty chest, or that lacy thong?
Come one and all, tell us now!
What makes you want to plow?
Don't be shy, be unabashed!
Unless you say not the ass ;)

So if you couldn't tell through my of so creative word play, today's question is relatively simple as it relates to the ES girls. What of these features do you most love to look for and what makes you have the hots for these ladies, personality aside.

Additional Question!

Be able to undo the mind control Crazy Nurse has been using?
Be able to reverse aging in all the females in the game?


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
...and this sick person will be happy to find the pile of work as soon as she feels better?
There is also no replacement needet, just some (temporary) help...shouldnt be so hard to find some english speaking people in an english board filled with devs, proofreader, coder and artists who would work for free/low price to get the game faster. Almost every buisness hires part timers id they are short on people.

For the additional questions...undo? No. Redirect...i'm in charge, not the crazy nurse ^^
And yes, absolutely yes.
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Dec 3, 2019
also with the english translation this is a merger not a new update so unless bluecat has done a massive rewrite hasn't the english translation already been done and doesn't it need to be just copied and pasted from point A to B and not actually translate from german to english?
English translation is done, and since there's no new content there's nothing to trnaslate as well. Dev doesn't post any updates, dev has been in silence for months and returned for 1 day just to post an undersatifactory status update. Look up patreon page, people has been paying for months for nothing, not a single roadmap not status updates no nothing. I entered the discord server as well, now I don't know about posting stuff in patreon but sending a simple messege in discord is easy. He doesn't do this as well. las tdiscord status update is the same as the patreon one.

I stated this many times by now, i am an IT engineer, there's no logical explanation for a "merge" update to take this long and the lack of updates proves it. They either don't work at all. or just lazy and don't want to share updates because then we'll know how slow they're working or not working at all. Why merge can't take this long? well, All the CG's are ready, all the text are ready, all the event map is ready, all that needs to be done is to hire a good coder or ren'py developer and make him work on it.

There's no need for a "team" for a merge update. let's say you have a team that consists of "Coder, CG artist, Writer, Translators, proof checkers, debuggers, etc etc" as I said now, most of this stuff are already there, all needs to be done is just to use these assets to create the game. it can't take longer than a few months, 1-2 months.

If you're a patron, My advise is to stop paying until we got the update. Now, you're free to do whatever you want with your money. but I am giving you advice here, this guy is lazying around. not working at all. any you're paying it. What's that "core member is sick" BS? who's sick?? and what do you mean by core member??? the only member that could stop or delay this merge update is the coder guys, and they're easily replaceble. they're not creating CG's or story so you don't have to work with the same guy at all times.

...and this sick person will be happy to find the pile of work as soon as she feels better?
There is also no replacement needet, just some (temporary) help...shouldnt be so hard to find some english speaking people in an english board filled with devs, proofreader, coder and artists who would work for free/low price to get the game faster. Almost every buisness hires part timers id they are short on people.
Put yourself into dev's pants, if you have a 5k$ paying community, would you make them wait and lose potential patrons just because 1 of your team members is sick? none of this makes sense...... And the only person to slow or delay is coders. if CG guy is sick, that shouldn't affect the progress since all the CG's are there already. and if translators sick........ you can just publish the game in english and release a patch for the said language later on. instead of y'know makin a whole community and patrons wait.

King Slayer100

Active Member
Aug 20, 2018
Okay here is the official statement, and I'm sorry if I am not exactly professional, still getting used to what I've chosen to take on. I am not usually this confrontational but I am a bit defensive. However, I will endeavor to act more polite here on in the future. That being said, I stand firm and will continuously work to keep things up to date, and correctly reported on. Lets get on with it!

A very important member of the dev team is currently sick, they are not able to perform their normal functions, work will resume when they can. There is no timeline for this, nor will there be, this team member will simply return to work when able, you will be updated when this is the case I assure you. The team does not feel comfortable moving forward with someone to replace their role, as they are deemed indispensable by the developer, and as such we are currently delayed in progress for the time being. Some minor work is still being done, and progress will continue to move in one way or another so as not to waste the idle time, namely ensuring new update work that can be done ahead of time is being taken care of now so as to have it prepared for after the Merge.

The Dev Team wants this out as badly as you do, they're sick of dealing with it, but the situation is what it is.

Please be patient, wait it out with all of us, and lets try to talk about something else. It would be much appreciated and would give me far less headaches, as I work out the growing pains of what I have chosen to do. To ensure that at least on this site, this game doesn't get bogged down in game delay blues. If you all could participate and get healthy distraction conversations underway? That'd be greeeeat.

Rehashing my last question because I liked my poem and I wanna get more answers:

Tits, Ass, Legs, or Eyes!
Is it up above or between the thighs?
What would you say will turn you on?
Is it her busty chest, or that lacy thong?
Come one and all, tell us now!
What makes you want to plow?
Don't be shy, be unabashed!
Unless you say not the ass ;)

So if you couldn't tell through my of so creative word play, today's question is relatively simple as it relates to the ES girls. What of these features do you most love to look for and what makes you have the hots for these ladies, personality aside.

Additional Question!

Be able to undo the mind control Crazy Nurse has been using?
Be able to reverse aging in all the females in the game?
I don't generally comment about delays , because I understand shit happens in real life .But you want people to not talk about what they want to (delays) .This is not blue cat discord this is F95 you can't dictate what people say .they are not breaking any rules .

It's has been like what 7 or 8 months since last update . people are bound to get curious about what's happening . Distraction only works to a certain time.

Let's talk about merging for me personally I don't care if the game has separate weeks or months . Merging should be an under the hood work , should be done with out effecting the whole project . Game was stopped for months during 1 week merge .and it happened again in month 1 only longer this time.


Oct 3, 2017
I don't mind the delays, I just wish they'd bring back the weekly status reports so we weren't left in the dark, it's been over a month since we've heard anything and we don't know what's going on
Last edited:


Oct 18, 2019
define "technically", both you and bluecat have stated that due to complications the month 1 merge is currently unable to be worked on until the teammate is better and from what bluecat has said in the past the month 1 merge needs to be done before they can move on to new updates in order to better streamline updates going forward therefore that means by both those statements no content new or remake/merge content can be produced by the team and if that is untrue then bluecat needs to state that clearly and provide some proof of it otherwise then this game should have an onhold tag on it since it literally does fit the definition of hiatus as it is currently going through an intentional or unintentional developmental pause or break
BC is and has been working on future updates as in week4 and has completed many of if not most renders for if not 2 , 3 updates after merge. So the answer still is the game is being worked on and is not on hold.
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Chasing Redhead sm0ls
Jun 2, 2017
Rehashing my last question because I liked my poem and I wanna get more answers:

Tits, Ass, Legs, or Eyes!
Is it up above or between the thighs?
What would you say will turn you on?
Is it her busty chest, or that lacy thong?
Come one and all, tell us now!
What makes you want to plow?
Don't be shy, be unabashed!
Unless you say not the ass ;)

So if you couldn't tell through my of so creative word play, today's question is relatively simple as it relates to the ES girls. What of these features do you most love to look for and what makes you have the hots for these ladies, personality aside.
Generally petite but with that juicy booty. Booty gotta jiggle a little when you smack it!
Additional Question!

Be able to undo the mind control Crazy Nurse has been using?
Be able to reverse aging in all the females in the game?
I am so down for reverse aging but for all??? Are we talking Dark Mind where my fever dream reads 18 as something else and still de-aging?

NOTE: My fever dream is my own affliction and in no way reflects on the dev or this game ;)

Motoko Kusanagi

Aug 19, 2018
If someone at work was the only one in the entire department that could do that one specific job for months, that would effectively mean that the department would behind in work load for months. So then if that person were to return they would have a piled up workload since no one else could do it. That workload would always be behind no matter what, this whole thing doesn't make sense.

Skummy Ecchi

Apr 18, 2019
I'm glad to see someone else has learned to love the booty, and as for full reverse aging I'm talking being able to either keep them at current age, or spin it back if you prefer, perhaps you want young Hiroko back, well then you've got it! the power of time and space at your fingertips!

I do so enjoy people actually participating in the questions
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May 27, 2018
I like big boobs as much as the next guy, but it's the overall package that needs to work for me. If I have to pin it down to one part then I'd say that a cute face does more for me than any other individual aspect.

For the bonus question: Fuck the nurse! I understand that the MC being an immoral bastard is kind of the premise of this game, the non-consensual stuff is definitely a bit of a turn-off for me though...


Active Member
Jan 11, 2018
If someone at work was the only one in the entire department that could do that one specific job for months, that would effectively mean that the department would behind in work load for months. So then if that person were to return they would have a piled up workload since no one else could do it. That workload would always be behind no matter what, this whole thing doesn't make sense.
People don't tend run big business and small the same way. During the pandemic, a local pizza restaurant has been take out only, even when they could seat people, the space was so limited that it wasn't worth it. Despite that, they shut down completely for 3 weeks after a family member became ill. They have a staff that makes the pizza and runs the place and could have continued to do so, but chose not to because the person that was ill was part of the family that owns and runs the restaurant. It does not make economic sense and a heartless corporation would never run that way but it makes sense to the family that runs the restaurant.

Blue started this on his own but expanded to a team of trusted people. If Blue wants to wait until a team member is well enough to continue, that is his decision. If you are a patron, it is your call whether to support him financially or not. No matter what, all the complaining and second guessing here does absolutely nothing.
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Dec 3, 2019
Ecchi Sensei a stupidly plan game the dev definitely has merge fetish he can't live without merging stuff so he created a game to satisfy his fetish now he can merge day's into weeks and weeks into months and than months into years and get paid by people to do so though now it seems he has gotten greedy and is delaying his merges in order to milk out as much money out of his patrons first giving fake promises that the merge will come out in 2020 than when that didn't work out he stop giving any promises altogether it's just another icestor in making nothing more.
Exactly this. I have been trying to say this in many different ways but that's the moral of the story here.
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Jan 3, 2018
Ok, you all know what a dub is, right?
Imagine this,
You have a dubbed Bruce Willis flic but it has a catch,
the voice actor fell ill and they replaced him with some other dude that has experience
with action comes your scene:
Bruce is cowering on the rim of the snowy runway, lighting the kerosene puddle in front of him
with his lighter and yelling with an austrian accent:
"Hasta la vista, baby!"

sounds wrong?
yeah, it does.

So you say put it out without the translation, just like it is now....
Lucky for me but too bad for most people here. you know why?
Blue writes in his native language which isn't english.
So for mister "Why not give them american names" (Sorry for pulling you into this.)
to understand the story, to get the different characters and foremost to transpond
Blues whitty german tongue so you guys get the joke behind it this one person is
crucial. He is the voice you english version player know and it would be hard
to do the same as a fill in, just because this fill in would never ever be Bruce Willis'
"Yippy ka yay, motherfucker".

Don't take it too hard ma man, there are people here that really appreciate what you are doing here.
Keep your cools.
Same goes for Blue and his team.

BTW i liked your little poem Skummy
as an answer i can only say "it depends"
I even think that Hirokos Trollface looks cute.
Tinyer girls like Mika or Himiko can be sexy but also toned girls like Rikka or Mao.
variety is king. But there is one girl i really can't wait to get my hands on and
I did mention her before. It's that white haired witch Masae, she really ticks all my boxes.

To your previous polls:
Powers are not to be shared...only the foxgods know what will happen when they get in the wrong hands(aka Crazy Nurse).
But which powers should he have...
A little bit of mind bending couldn' hurt too much, debitching Tomoes bratty sister, a little on Tomoe so we can screw her Mom
with her absolut consent and stopping mamabear from creeping around.
Skummys aging...or antiaging power sounds pretty kinky to me.....sorry "ecchi"
Yeah, and of course that drug repelling power could be pretty helpful. (thanks for that idea mate)

Tsundere Harem or Yandere Himiko:
If these are the only options and I must chose between them I'd go for the Harem of tsundere girls,
all tsundres have a heart of gold and just act rough on the outside.
If you ever watches the Yuno Gasei compilation of her 250ish "Yuki"s you maybe understand why yandere
can be quite, never going to happen!

One last word,
why do you think so many devs where affected by the passing of chatterbox and palmer?
why do you think so many scenes or characters of other VNs suddenly appear in another devs story?
These guys are a close community, better, a family in where every member counts.
The analogy with that small family Pizzy retaurant was quite fitting, thanks for that.
If you have too much time on your hand and want it gone, try to get a 3080 or 3090 for msrp.

otherwise, stay ecchi and healthy


Chasing Redhead sm0ls
Jun 2, 2017
I'm glad to see someone else has learned to love the booty, and as for full reverse aging I'm talking being able to either keep them at current age, or spin it back if you prefer, perhaps you want young Hiroko back, well then you've got it! the power of time and space at your fingertips!

I do so enjoy people actually participating in the questions
OK so if we can hold some youngins at age NSFW but make the oldies young again I would 100% be on board with that. FlashBack girls were cute and I would totally bone FB Hiroko over current, that's just me.
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