Hey, Skummy. We get that it is super disorganized, like you have said, and I understand that you don't want to ask BlueCat too often for status updates, because you don't want to bother him. But do you think Bluecat understands enough about how it is going to give us all some idea of when the merge will be released? Are we talking about 1 more month? Three months? Six? He must have some idea by now after working on it for months, right?
DISLCAIMER: This is not Bluecat's estimation, as he will not give one, I am just making a bet on the matter for myself and hoping I'm right. Do not assume my personal estimation is an official source, if such a claim is made, I will refer you back to this disclaimer. Good? Good.
The best I have is that a massive amount of work on other branches was just merged into the main branch of documentation, mostly pertaining to Bluecat's data entry for character info, and Project Manager doing lots of bugfixing.
I absolutely have no official estimations on time, I'm sorry to say, anything I tell you for wait time is what I'm calculating based on evidence at present.
This should be the last of the shit that needs worked this thoroughly, before playtests begin. Once that commences, it's gonna probably be either a solid month as the builds take two weeks each for testing, and then fixes of issues noticed by testers. That or some idiot will leak the unfinished shit, and people will scream and be mad butthurt its janky and I'll be like "That's the Alpha, the shit I'm supposed to be stress testing for bugs and errors"...
So at the bare minimum, don't expect some miracle release date for any time in June, my personal bet is feeling that at least by sometime July, the testers have a game to work with finally. That is pretty much a countdown for everyone else on public version.