U told few month ago that merge almost ready, but devs still has nothing to show (at least on partreon). I woudn't trust any words about merge progress until somebody post gameplay video here from it. Text for now means nothing it's have same weight as a wind so we need more real proofs...
Meh. You don't have to believe shit.
There is currently a patreon post up regarding the current progress of the merge, though since I don't use the site I can't post verbatim.
As of right now its just translation work for all the added features, mostly the character cards, and Bluecat cannot give an exact finishing date, because he isn't sure when the hell they will be done. He's not gonna pull something from thin air, just that its nearly over.
If anyone takes issue with that? Keep it to yourself, nobody cares. That being said, this is signaling the end point of the merge, and hopefully relatively soon testers will be given the product for bug hunting. Bluecat said it himself, he just wants to actually make new content again, but can't do that until the boring work is done first.
Stay patient, it will come when it comes, and bellyaching won't make it go any faster, matter of fact it probably slows shit down. I'm sure someone who actually has access to the post will put it up here for viewing.