Ecchi Sensei - Month 1 - Status Report No. 22
Hi Guys!
It's time again to bring you up to date, and therefore, there is again a status update on the current events.
First of all, I don't intend to give anyone false hopes - I still cannot, in good conscience, announce a date for the release of Month 1 - BUT... We are closing in to the finish line, and the entire Ecchi Sensei team is optimistic that it could be ready soon.
At the moment, we are working on the subtleties of a number of features, such as the impeccable functionality of the character information page and its translations in all the languages we offer for the game.
The same applies, of course, to the calendar, which has also been optimized a bit on top.
Bottom line, every existing feature has also been significantly reduced in terms of "weight." That means instead of 20 MB for the calendar, we now only need 5 MB, even though further functions and languages have been added.
Of course, the image quality doesn't suffer in any way because of it - we have simply replaced most of the unnecessary graphics with code.
For those of you who have no idea what am I talking about:
Instead of creating the same graphic four times in four different languages, only one graphic is used, and the different languages are added by coding.
These thinning measures affect all existing features and also core elements of Ren'Py itself - such as the main menu. As a result, we have so far been able to save over 1 GB of "unnecessary" graphics, which will simply be omitted in the future and thus not only reduce Month 1 in overall size, but of course, this procedure will also apply to all subsequent updates of Ecchi Sensei.
I know that some people have already lost patience, and I will once again officially apologize for the extremely long waiting time when Month 1 is released - although it is probably me who suffers most from the delay.
I finally want to produce new content again and let you all be part of what the future holds in Ecchi Sensei.
There is a lot you can look forward to. The previous experiences in the game were only a small foretaste of what's to come.
But I'll tell you more about that another time.
With this in mind, I would like to thank everyone who continues to believe in Ecchi Sensei. Your encouraging words that have reached us in the last few weeks gave us strength, and we will do our best to deliver a good final product in the form of Month 1 as soon as possible.
So long,