Fun fact I do get a form of compensation for my work here, I just don't take a paycheck. So in a manner of speaking I'm technically on the Dev Team in a tertiary role, knowing what's going on but having to keep things to myself, if I am asked by Bluecat to do so. My apologies if this sounds cryptic but I do need to follow the rules given to me.
I can understand that I can be quite polarizing, I've understood this fact from the start. Earlier on I would agree with you, that I was more just fighting off anyone who had anything negative to say about Bluecat. These days I've tried a more sanitized approach of making sure that Bluecat is not held on a pedestal (I legitimately have called him out so many times for his incompetency on this issue). However, I also push back against notions of scamming, or deception, or anything else underhanded because I don't like those conspiracies taking root.
I try to keep you all distracted, and if there is ire, have it directed towards me to act as a buffer zone for everyone, to voice their displeasures and soak that all up. I realize it might seem like I make issues worse, but then its everyone arguing with me, instead of screaming to each other and getting louder and worse with each post. There's no feedback loop because I act like a termination, grounding this back to some semblance of normal discourse before it gets out of hand.
So, if unclear, no I won't be stepping back from my role again, already did that once and tried to come back a lot more tidy and clean. If I am really that biased in Bluecat's favor I will try to be more neutral, but then I'd have to ask the worst of the vitriol knock it the fuck off, tradsies and all that. Until then you're stuck with me like this, which I don't feel is the worst. If you got to know me outside of me posting this type of stuff, you'd probably really like me personally, I am very friendly
I hope we all can have the merge come out soon, and thus hopefully have updates afterwards and finally get back to the story, but until that time here we will be, going around in circle :3 You know what does well in circles?
Question 1, Fuck Marry Kill anyone in ES, simple starter.
Question 2, Though this one isn't a question I guess...Describe your favorite girls but using fruit analogies, much like how Homer Simpson describes marriage as an orange.
Question 3, If you didn't want the room in the basement being used as a sex dungeon, what would you turn it into? What are you? Gay? No seriously any other ideas for it?
Question 4, How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? By that I mean, how long do you think you could handle the entire family coming at you for sexy time at once?
Question 5, on a scale of 1-Go Fuck yourself, where does Crazy Nurse stand for you?
That will be all from me today, with that being said, I'll still be lurking after.
Stay Skummy, Stay Ecchi!
~Skummy Out