Mmmmmmmm hands are tied on my end so don't get snippy with me all you face palmers, if I don't have express permission to post what's up, I can't post what's up. Anyways, my exhaustion with this thread in immense, and while I can grasp why you might pity me or some such, don't. I chose to do this and choose to continue because I am invested in the success of this project, whether or not it hits monumental fuck ups.
As people stated, I am doing damage control, absolutely on my own accord mind you. I'm trying to cover his dumb ass as best I can, cause its what I said I'd do, because I know how much traffic this site generates for support to him in the good times. So if it seems like things aren't very clear? Its because they aren't, my hands are tied, and I'm just trying to placate people with what little standing I have left after using it all up alongside my fucks to give last year.
For clarity, I haven't been paying Blue since early last year, so I have absolutely no supportive skin in the game, just a lot of dedication to trying to keep Bluecat from blasting off what stub is left of his foot. Am I an idiot? Yes, yes I am. But there's a very good reason I do what I do. I understand that even after all of the bullshit and the setbacks and the fuckness, once things start back up in some capacity, people are gonna be too horny to recall this event. It will generally die off in isolation, as most bad PR that doesn't sink companies tends to.
So if I can keep this project from going down in absolute terms, I win, simple as that. I do feel bad for everyone, and I do wish I could offer more. If you guys hate me for the fact I'm doing my job, cool, you do that. For everyone else? I'll prolly still give you snark but yeh I'm genuinely on your side in this.
Reminder, out of fucks to be given, I don't even see the more toxic posts anymore, this is mostly for those few who still appreciate when I explain what's up.
Now, on to actual topics, if given the chance to be on the same level physically as Matsu, how far would you go to get those results? Would it help if the reward was harem at the end? I am the curious.
So long, I'mma go sleep.