I've debated your premises and claims, yes, but I've never given you shit nor been a dick. The counter arguments I've used were perfectly formulated and valid. You simply failed to persuade me with true premises, thus rendering your conclusions false (to date).
If and when the game resumes, I'll be more than happy to cease and desist such devil's advocate back and forths and see what's new to this game. I still enjoyed it immensely way back when, and hopefully it will retain the quality and interest I once had.
However, your constant passive/aggressive remarks on how you don't care how people disbelieve, distrust, or not believe you etc is unbecoming and displays petulance.
If one truly did not care how others thought or behaved towards them, they wouldn't constantly point it out. Just saying.
Fair point, I'll admit I'm honestly just tired of certain people calling me a liar for just being a naïve fool who trusts in Bluecat bit too much at times. That shit really gets on my nerves because I know they just don't get it and are too stubborn to listen when they are told why they are wrong. I have never lied, I just also have been wrong a whole bunch and refuse to change my opinions on my friend who I trust, that's not being deceitful, that's just standing up for a friend whether or not I am correct, and being loyal to one person rather than turning my back on them to let people go to town on them, rightfully or not.
That all being said, here's some actual information: Merge ain't done because its not done, and there's at least from what information I have, no good reason for it not being done. Its normal but disappointing, its the way the work functions whether or not you like it. 90% of everything is a failure and only 10% happens to be shit that works out for us.
That being said, trying to figure out what I can do to unfuck the situation, I have slowly gone from just a fan to being a close fan, to being a friend, to being PR to now trying my best to help advise Bluecat on being a dev in this junction. I have become jaded and I do apologize but man it is annoying to deal with people.
Update coming out sometime April, Bluecat has precisely one month before abandoned tag really comes into true play, it will be a normal sized update. Not 2 years crammed inside, that is a crude misconception of what has been happening and you need to re-center your expectations to be as if we are going back to normal and this 2 year pause is just simply being un-paused for the time being. I'll let you know when we get closer to a release date what is going on.