I know you're a pr puppet, skummy. But people aren't as craven as you think. You've pretended that work was being done for two years, when it wasn't. You've continuously lied, and then when it's clear to everyone you've lied, you pretend you had good intentions and that you thought it was true. And you repeat it. And you repeat again. You are a serial liar
Besides that, the only selling point of this game was the 'questionable' content that's included in it. That is what made it popular. Now there's a wave of similar games that are longer, have competent developers, and don't have potato graphics like this one does. People aren't going to flock back to bluecat after one lousy, money driven update. Not everyone is you
And unless the abandoned tag truly terrifies bluecat, there will be no update. There will never be a merge, and the game is finished. Bluecat is not your friend, you're his customer. Anything you say is meaningless, as has been proven for two years now