- Mar 2, 2022
- 467
- 1,456
press X for doubtThat's still going to benefit BC if he can sort his shit out.
I can honestly say that Ecchi Sensei is one of my favorite games, I think I've played it ... at least 10 tiimes, and each playthrough takes me over 35h, so I can safely say I love the game , even though it has some sketchy scenes and other scenes I"m not really comfortable I can say I'm a big fan.
Now I've tried to establish that I'm a big fan , which takes me to my next point.
Will I ever sub again to Ecchi Sensei?answer is quite frankly and short ... no, never, I'll play the public version when they are released to the public but WILL NEVER sub to him again, not because his content is bad/shit etc , no, his content is quite good but his work ethic?now that's a whole other shit festival,
Is he milking the project?I have no idea, it sure seems like that , but is it true?can't know, don't have any substantial proof to back it up, he could be for all intent and purposes be trying to fix the problem.
But yeah.. I'll never sub to him, I mean ... we are getting close to 2years since last main story update... I thought it was 24th or 26th june but I've been corrected, since 20th of june 2020 he has not released new content, because ... merger.
So yea..
In the end , I believe most of the people that post here and most of the lurkers have the same opinion, milker or not doesn't matter, what matters is 2years since no update, and most likely most of them will not sub,
TLDR : in the end I don't really see it as benefiting him.