there are far too many unprincipled people in this world who will gladly allow themselves to be taken advantage of and robbed of their finances, if its for something they like or identify with. it is an unfortunate failing of the modern generations that they fall heavily into tribalistic collectivism and other such cult like behavior while paradoxically defending their world view by believing that they are an independent actor and its everyone else thats acting as a brainwashed mob.
they will exabit the same behavior as crabs in a bucket and pull everyone back down with them because there scared to be the last one left standing or even thinking that maybe they were wrong or made a choice that was anything less then prefect.
we see it here we see it with gaming systems we see it in the games themselves we see it in politics with movies with religion with sports ball teams everything really, its part of everyday society now its human nature.
once you got them riding on that hopeium and put a moderate amount of effort into something that benefits them or makes them happy at some point even if you don't anymore, they will fight to the death to defend you even as you pick their pockets steal there lunch money and break there knee caps. they will insist its not happening and then claim everyone else pointing it out is wrong and evil. its humanity now. i mean for fuck sakes spoony still has patrons and simps and he hasn't done anything more then rant on twitter in almost a decade.
and on one last depressing note if you think your the odd one out and its everyone else that is crazy and you are somehow immune to this behavior you probably aren't, its just your the odd one out on this subject.
(and yes i realize the irony and pointlessness of discussing principles and societal and cultural observations on a pirate site. and in the comment section of ES of all things.)