I'm going to be that guy and say... 95%!Alright, guys. For those of us that are regulars around here, I would like to hear everyone's best estimate.
From 1 to 100%, in your mind, what is the likelihood that there is any significant new content at all; that Bluecat has actualy done anything at all to work on Ecchi Sensei over the last 16 months?
Is there any chance at all, in your opinion, that Bluecat has actually produced any new content as he claims, and is actually working on it, but just waiting for a translater (or whatever the delay reason of the month), or is everything from Bluecat and repeated by Skummy is just a smokescreen so Bluecat and Latecomer can collect as much Patron cash as long as possible?
I'll start:
Even if their Patreon drops to $100 a month, it is still free money. Bluecat and Latecomer will milk it until it goes down to under $100 a month.
Since nobody has seen a single line of dialog or a single image from the supposedly already created new content, nor has the merge been completed, which we have all seen can be done in an afternoon by a non-coder, my best estimate of the chance Bluecat has done anything for 16 months, and is working at all on on Ecchi Sensei now is:
What about you all? Anyone out their with more faith than me? Are there any estimates as high as 10%? 20%? 50% or more?
Let's hear everyone's best estimate.
Sure, nothing worth 16 months of work, but at least 2-3 days worth of content and maybe some sketches for the next couple of days. Content could also be done but without proper story to link everything together.
Though, this could be the last signficant thing produced for this game.
In these 16 months, nothing was learned by BC, whether technical or relational.
That thing about him not seeing why he should post more technical updates after all this time, say it all.
If presented with the same issue later on (6th month merge?), it would result in the same debacle, if not bigger.
So I wouldn't risk a cent on this game's future, or BC future as a dev.
I hope BC realize that being confronted with all this while still under patreon welfare is a real blessing, because if it was after establishing some kind of company in another country, consequences for such a fuckup would have been disastreous and not laughing matters.
Not everyone has the opportunity to survive a crisis and learn from their mistakes, let alone do so while burning other people's money.
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