pretty sure site got commision from dev, if such thing has happened but rule didn't change
I don't think that this site's policies have anything do with donations from devs, though I hear this conspiracy theory come up a lot around the forums here. I think it is more that this site doesn't want to get in the business of trying to figure out a dev's true intentions, which is impossible anyway.
There are a lot of amazing, high quality games here that are legitimately in development that are on the 1 year + cycle, "Deluca Family", "Dr. Amana, Sexual Therapist", "Halfway House", or "Summers Gone", where the dev is clearly working on their game, but just takes a long time to release updates, due to other issues in their lives, work, family, etc, or just perfectionism. This site doesn't want to antagonize such devs, which are mostly active in the community here, by labeling their games "Abandoned" or "On Hold" when it clearly isn't. Nor do they want to annoy them by labeling the game "slow development" or other similar tags. This site works best when devs hang around and participate. I think their games are better for it as well, and get more support.
If you can think of a foolproof method to separate the devs that are legitimately working at a high level, but just take a long time, like the games I just mentioned, from the clear scammers and malingerer's like Bluecat, who at this point, is clear to anyone, that he is happy doing nothing indefinitely, feel free to suggest it.
If I was to take a stab at such a rule, I would say if the actual dev (not a proxy), posts evidence of development: screenshots of an upcoming update, or story themes, at least once every 6 months, and also posts some type of status update every 3 months, the game will not get any tag. If the actual dev (not a proxy) does not post anything on Patron or here for 3 months, a game is tagged "Abandoned" due to radio silence. If there is no evidence of development, as I mentioned here, for 6 months, but they still post something on Patreon or here every 3 months, it gets tagged "On Hold". If a game has more than 18 months since last update, it gets tagged "On Hold", and if it doesn't get an update in the next 6 months after that, it gets marked "Abandoned" after 2 years.
I think this would leave out real working developers, who are active either on here or on their Patron, and frequently post screenshots or discuss plot points or other important details about the upcoming update, from those who pretend to work on it, just to keep collecting monthly donations, but can't make the effort to show any evidence whatsoever that there is an update forthcoming.