
Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2019
Hmm, it keeps getting better. I detest gacha so it's nice to see that they managed to implement it in a natural? way. I wonder how this will work with a previous screenshot they showed - about you being able to buy heroes? Perhaps it was changed
No no, a previous update mentioned that you'll get ALL HEROES PLAYABLE for free! All you have to do is be lucky and pull them that's all!


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2019
Regardless, I was kinda expecting a bigger update for the new years. I am reasonably confident that this is a full PC Port since all of the changes they've seem to have made so far would be rather trivial to do on a mobile re-release - same engine and all. This much time and effort seems to be indicative of a straight up port.

There was some talk on 2ch about Oyari himself being the one programming - somebody wrote a full analysis on that. It would be funny if he was somehow juggling both that and Machine Child. I can kinda see the simmilarities in UI design there has to be some overlap. Wonder why MC is not going to be published by Tenco considering it's basically littlewitch.
I think THIS is the reason that Machine Child isn't out yet!


Jan 16, 2019
Machine Child is taking so long that I forget that it even existed.

It seems the gacha pool will grow naturally as you progress through the game, so it will be hard to get a specific character in the endgame. Online gacha dealt with it in the usual way - with a rotating limited pool FOMO shit. That don't really work in a normal game.
So, I think the character shop will be an alternative system to get the characters with gold instead of "free" characters from gacha.

Never really perceived Ashito as a coder (aside from MC), did he program in previous Tenco/LW games? Surely, he wasn't a programmer for WWX. Or we are onto something, and he was the real reason why WWX closed because he exhausted himself by developing the game and drawing porn at the same time.
Aug 26, 2023
Never really perceived Ashito as a coder (aside from MC), did he program in previous Tenco/LW games? Surely, he wasn't a programmer for WWX. Or we are onto something, and he was the real reason why WWX closed because he exhausted himself by developing the game and drawing porn at the same time.
That is the question. People have been theorizing that Oyari is that sole guy at Tenco. Kinda makes sense. All of Eiyuu Senki's work was outsourced - writing, music. Tenco doesn't have any staff that is soley theirs. Everyone who works on their stuff seems to be contracted from other circles - or chipping in to help. Kinda strange for a company with two successfull games and a gacha that still has tie ins with other gacha.
I have read that Tenco did try to hire when the Pandemic was in full swing, though whether that was successfull is doubtful.
From what I can recall Oyari's output was low when WWX was in service, and increased significantly when it was stopped.
Even Littlewitch seems to be mainly Oyari with a few others from other circles and companies chipping into help here and there.

All and all I wouldn't be suprised if it was just him.
There was - someone who wrote a huge writeup on this on a 2ch thread but it's lost.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2019
You just lost 1000000 favorability points by even suggesting such a blasphemous act.

Anyway, replace Define.dat in the AUGGame folder.
Winkel please please please can you reupload this file that replaces the Theme? Thanks a lot!


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2017
Is seiso patch and 1.01 patch the same thing?
From the other thread front page:
Version Differences:

tl;dr: more content in the fan translation.


Please do not confuse Eiyuu*Senki with Eiyuu*Senki GOLD. GOLD being a alternate version of the game with different storyline and more added content, this one hasn't been translated by anyone besides a UI translation (Maybe in the future).

Now, Eiyuu*Senki got an official localization in the west by JAST USA, of course the game already had a fan-translation before this happened. So what are the differences?
Main difference is that the Fan-Translation took content from other sources such as PSVITA and PS3 versions, below is the comprehensive list of things that the fan-translation has over the official:
  • The 15 non-H scenes that still contained various amounts of Japanese due to PS3 censorship reasons;
  • The song titles in the Music Gallery;
  • The names of all characters in the Voice Details menu (credit goes to donovan20055 of HongFire forum).
  • Ported alternative PS3 events in form of optional separate events. Some PC and PS3/Vita Events were merged for coherence.
  • Added all new CGs from PS3 version.
  • Added all exclusive CGs from PS Vita version. Upscale 30% or use “no_upscale” version.
  • Expanded CG Gallery for PS3+PS Vita CGs.
  • Restoration of all voice files, recorded specifically for PS3/PS Vita.
  • Michelangelo Graphics Fix 3.0 - all original PS Vita files restored, with ~30% upscale to PC resolution.
  • Porting of PS3 system of English subtitles (voices in battle and world map).
  • New font size for visual novel part of game. Decrease font size from 27 to 25.
  • Fully translated game settings.
  • Adds display of critical chance in battle (%).
  • Adds selection of difficulty mode in game start:
  • Normal;
  • Hard (150%, previously unlocked after true end);
  • Very Hard (new, 200%);
  • Nightmare (new, 300%, unlocked after true end). Game may or may not became impossible to complete in this mode.
  • Bug fixes and new upgrades for Gennai/Toshiro:
  • Extra item slot after conquering Egypt;
  • New ability after conquering North America;
  • Final Ultimate skill after conquering Inca.
It's likely that someone will make a patch for the JAST USA version with the this content in the future, and this doesn't make the JAST USA version obsolete since it's an official localization.


Jan 16, 2019
I'm not entirely sure why you brought up information about a fan patch for the original ES when it has nothing to do with the patches for ES Gold.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2019
NEW WWX UPDATES: They're later than usual!
<- This one is an apology that the update is being late.
<- This one is describing updates on the Skills being updated compared to the Online version.
Aug 26, 2023
NEW WWX UPDATES: They're later than usual!
<- This one is an apology that the update is being late.
<- This one is describing updates on the Skills being updated compared to the Online version.
Pretty wild that it's taking so long to develop a few skills.


Jan 16, 2019
Pretty wild that it's taking so long to develop a few skills.
Probably something like this:
8:00 AM. Good morning, mates. Let's change Mordred's basic attack to 3 targets, but increase the delay by 30.
8:05 AM. What a splendid day of work. See you tomorrow, mates.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2018

Another month even more updates. We even have a gameplay of machine child.
can you guys post the screenshot here? i dont wanna login on twitter tho, its a pain in the ass cause elon keeps me preventing login my twitter account.
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