
Mar 20, 2018
I came to ask questions because I'm stuck, then saw so many people being stuck elsewhere. And it's not one or two points where people gets stuck, but just about any random point in the game.

This game needs a guide. Badly. So badly that I think it should be implemented in-game instead of some written walkthrough here. As it is it's just about unplayable for the general populace, no matter how good the translation is.

ken ko

May 14, 2017
I came to ask questions because I'm stuck, then saw so many people being stuck elsewhere. And it's not one or two points where people gets stuck, but just about any random point in the game.

This game needs a guide. Badly. So badly that I think it should be implemented in-game instead of some written walkthrough here. As it is it's just about unplayable for the general populace, no matter how good the translation is.
Check out the link below for the Fan made guide. You just got to scroll down to see the guide



Jul 22, 2018
Check out the link below for the Fan made guide. You just got to scroll down to see the guide

Here's the walkthrough minus the pictures.


  • if dont say what choice please get 1st one
  • (from txt in game) H-Lv2 = lechery 14, H-Lv3 = lechery 28, H-Lv4 = lechery 56, H-Lv5 = lechery 78
  • normal monster 4 type has GoR (slime, tentacle, beast and human type), if H-Lv3 has new GoR
  • Some hscene not sure need what H-Lv
  • This game not need care bad degree (悪度) to high, better up to max 15, some event need this status
  • If get true ending or bad degree ending can open all hscene (talk to cat)
  • if back to town better use skull 死を呼ぶ骨
  • talk to merchant can buy change skin color item, talk to aged can go hscene room
  • after sex 5 times, birth child has 3 type (human, beast and egg, last sex with different will change)

Start and one star wanted :
  1. talk to 2 boy near upper stair 2 times, then go town north has hscene
  2. north of town, talk to man watching placard
  3. maid cafe talk to master, then left clothes shop talk to tailor pupil
  4. maid cafe talk to master, then lower hospital 2F upper left talk to toilor
  5. clothes shop talk to pupil
  6. bounty center click wanted 2 times
  7. after training go cave kill 3 red slime then report, then when Lv 3 5 9 13 17 ? 25 30 talk to her (3rd choice) can get skill
  8. west to grassland, talk to man near teleport
  9. sheep farm talk to man get sheep's wool
  10. south to red tree forest, vs boss (GoR) then get cotton on tree
  11. talk to tailor pupil then hospital talk to tailor can get maid clothes
  12. work in maid cafe then talk to male tailor , then go casino talk to him again (if not here need after 2 star wanted) (flag for shop in left of brothel)
  13. town north middle talk to 2 man (left of clothes shop), then inside house talk to man
  14. report in bounty center (2nd choice), talk to man outside bounty center then sewer talk to him again
  15. move out and go sewer again talk to him again (when cat not in sewer)
Hscene and other :
  • 18-22 talk to inn master can get work, after dinner with boy then move to big bathroom > after work talk to inn master (2nd choice) can get key for room 101 > H-Lv2 has hscene in big bathroom > H-Lv3 is rest in inn (near table) > H-Lv4 hscene is big bathroom + rest in inn + talk to boy in his room (when 6 7 star wanted start, 2 hscene) > H-Lv5 after bathroom has boy hscene > talk to boy in his room has last hscene
  • In maid cafe, H-Lv2 get 2nd choice for hscene > H-Lv3 get 2nd choice then 1st one
  • After work in maid cafe, if steal casino item then move out (2nd choice) > talk to prisoner in jail > night get key open jail door > H-Lv2 go casino steal item again has hscene > H-Lv3 in jail click item on table has hscene (2 hscene) > H-Lv4 go casino steal item has new hscene
  • After get maid clothes, go market can power up clothes
Two star wanted
  1. From sheep farm go west pass bridge then talk to priest
  2. from priest go SE has water rock , click it will pop enemy, kill them get blue stone then click rock can go underground, has boss there if win can get magic stone (for make equip in market)
  3. From priest go north to hill, in big tree has boss (GoR)
  4. After boss go stair in back of boss can go to earth rock , but need high lvl for it
Hscene and Other :
  • Church talk to priest 2 times has hscene > talk to priest again (in event 2nd choice) > H-Lv4 go church talk to priest has hscene > H-Lv5 talk to priest 3rd choice, then go market lower right talk to 2 man who watching show has hscene > church talk to priest has 2 hscene
  • After maid cafe H-Lv3 talk to man outside brothel > town north big house 2F talk to owner > can work in brothel + can masturbation in inn + big house 1F can see AV
  • If can go shop next to brothel, can buy adult toy for masturbation, click notice in shop can work in there (2hscene, maybe need H-Lv3 and 4), in shop also can make new clothes, add or remove tattoo, buy add lechery item (to 28 only), buy pierced ring [ピアス]
Three star wanted :
  1. town south has festival (lower right watch show has hscene, possibly need go big bathroom with boy)
  2. sewer talk to aged near door then bounty center click new wanted
  3. talk to aged in sewer can get key (this key also can open cave in red forest, need kill monster get red stone)
  4. deep vs boss (GoR)
Hscene and other :
  • after clear sewer, talk to prisoner in sewer has hscene > zone to sewer again talk to prisoner, then midnight go big bathroom man side get clothes has hscene > report to prisoner in sewer > talk to man near clothes shop , enter しいたけ > report to prisoner > talk to man in town can prostitution again (H-Lv4? has new hscene, this hscene easy make $)
  • talk to man in festival area upper left > 04:00- 07:00 port to モリスの丘 go south has boss, 12:00-15:00 cotton wood north has boss, 23:00-02:00 モリスの丘 NW has boss, this 3 boss need high lvl and equip
  • casino dress bunny clothes go staff room talk to bunny girl > walk 2 times has hscene
  • If go casino staff room get key, 04:00-05:00 or 12:00-13:00 or 18:00-19:00 can open locker get $, but after this cant go arena (or need give back $ or item to locker)
  • Lv10 can go arena, has 7 fight, last fight with arena queen has GoR
  • after 3 hscene in brothel with owner, in town north, talk to man watching placard and click it enter チャド > big house 2F talk to owner > work in brothel again > work 2 more times then go big house 2F talk to owner (if cant maybe need work in brothel 1 or 2 more) > sell AV to 6 guard in town (lower right guard is nude walk 1 round in town, after event can nude, but no event about nude...) > report to owner
Four and five wanted
  1. Sheep farm right side talk to orc (need potion)
  2. After go bounty center report, go hospital 2F left side talk to doctor
  3. go research institute (port to モリスの丘 go west)
  4. SE to underground talk to doctor
  5. 2F right library click 2 book (if 1F get key then NW entrance move out has thunder rock)
  6. church talk to priest then church 2F click book then talk to priest again
  7. graveyard click upper right tomb few times (dungeon has place for holy rock)
  8. deep vs boss then research institute basement talk to doctor
  9. talk to all ppl in research institute then back to hall
  10. go モリスの丘 NW has new cave, deep has orc village and 4 star wanted monster (GoR)
Hscene and Other :
  • go orc village has event > give 3 fruit (last one in crystal mine) to 3 orc outside > 2 house has hscene then NW house has hscene > after 6 event talk to village head 2 times, then move out village has hscene
Six and seven wanted :
  1. After go bounty center report, go east fire mine (or can go crystal mine get water stone first)
  2. deep vs boss (GoR)
  3. go crystal mine (next to fire mine)
  4. get rest room key in dungeon
  5. rest room switch enter 2364
  6. deep vs boss (GoR)
Hscene and other :
  • if talk to miner leader has 2 hscene > talk to him 2nd choice get 危ないクスリ, use it and talk to him again has hscene, use 2 more has badend hscene
Eight wanted :
  1. north town go house (between clothes shop and maid cafe) talk to aged
  2. midnight get key and click mirror
  3. dungeon talk to girl and vs boss (GoR)
Ending :
  1. if get 500k back to home town
  2. night outside get ribbon
  3. tomorrow click letter then go town middle village mayor house basement, avoid guard to left room get key open door room open switch then vs succubus (GoR)
  4. kill guard get key then kill guard get card key, open door vs robot (GoR)
  5. get key go deep, kill guard get 2 card key and open switch, then lower has door to boss (2 fight)
  6. vs final boss (if GoR 1st choice)


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2018
That gives the X bikini pattern, still looking for the V patttern.
It's in the mansion, first floor.

Don't mind me asking, but is there a way the make the protagonist (Elena) go naked?
Yeah, you need to follow Brothel questline.
Open the spoiler if you get stuck.
After 4 or 5 gangbangs, Elena will decide to go ask Chad to start selling videos with her again. He'll agreed, but on one condition -- if she starts selling them hands to hands. One of the guys you can sell it to will ask her to make a circle around the upper part of the town. After you do what he asks, you'll sell the video and will be able to get naked.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2018
It's in the mansion, first floor.

Yeah, you need to follow Brothel questline.
Open the spoiler if you get stuck.
After 4 or 5 gangbangs, Elena will decide to go ask Chad to start selling videos with her again. He'll agreed, but on one condition -- if she starts selling them hands to hands. One of the guys you can sell it to will ask her to make a circle around the upper part of the town. After you do what he asks, you'll sell the video and will be able to get naked.
She'll go naked if you get her dehydrated


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2018
She'll go naked if you get her dehydrated
Yeah, but unless you do that what I described, once she leaves Magma Mine Elena says something and the game forces you to get dressed.
Last edited:


Active Member
Aug 12, 2018
anyone else get into a dead end after rescuing the girl in the horror mirror. I swear I've gone back and forth a billion times after finding the dark tablet and i can't find any way out


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2018
anyone else get into a dead end after rescuing the girl in the horror mirror. I swear I've gone back and forth a billion times after finding the dark tablet and i can't find any way out
Have you killed the boss yet? Getting to him is the tricky part.
That's where exit is.


May 20, 2020
It's in the mansion, first floor.

Yeah, you need to follow Brothel questline.
Open the spoiler if you get stuck.
After 4 or 5 gangbangs, Elena will decide to go ask Chad to start selling videos with her again. He'll agreed, but on one condition -- if she starts selling them hands to hands. One of the guys you can sell it to will ask her to make a circle around the upper part of the town. After you do what he asks, you'll sell the video and will be able to get naked.
Thanks. it worked like a charm. By the way, do the NPCs react to her being naked in general?
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