So far I believe it is just you, but I am sure that another disney princess/fan might show up at some point though!
I peeked because Tora Productions was listed as the creators. Last time I checked Tlaero had retired due to a desire to be more present in the lives of those around her while not hiding her naughty little
hobbit hobby from them!
Glad to have her back! Now we just need to convince this duo to work on more games in the Pandora line instead of the elseverse. The elsaverse games are good, no doubt about it, but they are just not on the same level as
May fortune, creativity and not least of all; speed, be present for Tora Productions(Tlaero and Mortze/Mortzeart.) both in this endeavour and future ones! (... and hopefully Pandora 2 will be created next!)
Many cheers from me, ZzZ!