How do I change the files so I can risk a gamble of fixing my saves.
Like which ones to change etc etc.
I did try restarting a lotta times.
But yeah, it keeps happening.
If there's a way to start a new game with the same save file then that'd be great.
I usually keep 2 saves for the same one to avoid corruptions.
I even tried to speedrun end a day by tiring myself ASAP (usually helps) but this time it ends the same way.
This is like my 5th character now thet gets f-ed by this thing.
It gets tiring grinding stats from day 1 over and over but at least we can just get the achievement boosts since it gets preserved.
I ain't grinding 50k favor again.
F- that sh-.
Every time I end a day, I pray to opantsu-sama so that the game won't crash.