Exactly, "weird case" - I do remember those end-of-the-day increases, and these do not look like it at all. The bummer being that there is no indication of
who the increase is with - I would at least have a starting point for figuring out what is happening.
So..."someone is having some "me" time, go figure out who it is, where they are, and do all of that before they finish" of some sort? God forbid it is
not in the same area - I think I would not even bother paying a visit, then. Sounds oddly specific/constrained to be worth the time. Not that I would know what to do if I were to get there in time.
Lastly, completely unrelated to my other questions (probably): I grabbed the "original" eng-translated TW, but does anyone have a take on it vs AnonTW or whatever fork(s) are out there? Like, is there a reason to switch, or is it primarily QoL differences?