
May 14, 2017
Is there a changelog somewhere? I downloaded this over a year ago, would be nice to know what has changed since then or if it's just bug fixing/translation.
Kinda, on the git you can look up the version history, which details all changes made, but looking through it all to figure out what is new would take you a couple hours, long story short, more translated characters/events and a new gameplay system(You can research and develop your economy now plus a lot more)


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
hope no brain fracture involved,second screen gave me a heart attack from trying to comprehend what the fuck is all this gibberish
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Sep 11, 2017
I like scrolling through the first page and seeing that problems complained about three years ago (game being marked as complete, translation being marked as complete) have not been corrected.
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May 14, 2017
hope no brain fracture involved,second screen gave me a heart attack from trying to comprehend what the fuck is all this gibberish
What you never played on Excel spreadsheet during work? It might look complicated but really it's not. The game is spread into two phases, SLG phase, which has you talking to your fellow officers and eventually fucking(or rape if you're into it) them. and the other is War phase, which has you recruiting and moving troops around the map, and with a recent update you can now do some Research and Development. The war phase is the second part and unless you're a faction ruler, you won't be able to do just about anything but explore in it(exploring has you find a random event which can cause bad or good things to happen, always save to be safe) Trust me this isn't Aurora 4X, it's just a normal text based game.

I like scrolling through the first page and seeing that problems complained about three years ago (game being marked as complete, translation being marked as complete) have not been corrected.
I didn't even know this thread existed until now, can't really blame me since it's much more efficient to check the git for new updates, plus all the other era games they got on there too.
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Jun 19, 2017
I didn't even know this thread existed until now, can't really blame me since it's much more efficient to check the git for new updates, plus all the other era games they got on there too.
Same, I saw this just now and I'm so confused
How is a game that's untranslated and unfinished marked as Complete?
Can't even tell if its the most up to date version either, I've got two different builds of it that are marked as 1.28.13, one of which is from last month and the other of which is today (3 days since update)


May 14, 2017
I had to change my Str, Stam, and Will from 0 to 1, that seems to have fixed it. sorry i like to start with 0 stats.
You should start with default stats for those instead of 1, the game won't let you do ANYTHING(sexual) with just 1, and you can't easily level them up in EratohoK(The default are 2000 STR, 1500 STM 2500 Will). Str rarely regenerates after sex so you want to keep a decent amount after a session if you plan on doing multiple characters, Stamina has good regeneration, Willpower is a stat only for npcs, so it doesn't affect you.

Jack Oximourn

Nov 6, 2018
I remember playing this game a lot when I first found it. I was never really that good at the game but man did this game scratch my numbers and text base itch when I played it. I might just have to get back into it, speaking of, if you are planning to play it I suggest listening to either the game of thrones soundtrack or anything that has a hint of medieval flair to it, like the skyrim ost.
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Sep 29, 2017
Okay so how the hell would i go about freeing captured commanders from special factions? An independent Commander was staying in my land and got captured.
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