My point wasnt really the NTR i dont mind that, the thing is that there is no active way to rescue them, you have to rely on random events to fire so that she can be freed, i would like a more active way even if it screws me over. Games like old school roguelikes have a lot of mechanics to screw you over like curse potions, traps etc, but those can all be prepared for and fixed with the right equipment. Here it feels like i just sit out a timer until she either comes back or appears on the slave market and sitting out timers is uninteractive gameplay in my opinion.
You can abuse the nightcrawl system. Actually it's a winning part of the game.
1) Get the greatest girls
2) Lose them
3) Wait ~6 turns till they surrender to the special faction and become an officer. The maximum number of turns is hardcapped even for MC and sometimes events grabs them and force surrender immediatly
4) Nightcrawl to them and bring them back as a slave
5) Trade them back as enemy captured officer for troops/economy
6) Repeat each turn

Untill you win with only one city.
-Reset girls special faction surrender traits for 100k if you want to use them as officers. Tho you cant reset this traits on MC but anyway they dont do anything to him/her.
-Abdicate your faction to one of your girls. Be hired by a special faction, execute 8 s.faction girls, brand their Boss to have an obedient slave to visit you in Diplomatic screen + to have a free access to all faction owned girls in Guided crawl action. Imprison all enemy girls. Transfer (Give captive - why does this action even exist?) all imprisoned girls some cities etc. to your faction. Return back to your girls and take back control of your faction. This abuse is ridiculous and i believe it should be fixed or to have an option to turn off the mercenary role for a player -_-