4.20 star(s) 6 Votes


Game Developer
Dec 29, 2018
Well, this time I actually managed to tear myself away from Amanda for long enough to try and explore the other choices. Don't get me wrong, being submissive to her is still my favorite part of the game, I love how even though we're aware of her flaws and feel conflicted about giving in to her, we just can't seem to say no to her... Last scene of the update with her was very hot, hottest in the update for sure for me... But to completely ignore the other shipful of lovely ladies here would undoubtably be a crime...

It's still much too early to pick any favorites though, we only got some glimpses and first impressions of the character cast. During the bar scene, for example, which was a pretty fun scene, it was very hard to choose where I wanted to place my focus. First there was Kylie, which is probably my favorite bunny girl, and could probably earn a top spot among the girls in general if she's putting her chips in the pot. Then Olivia was being very brazen and flirtatious, immediately grabbing my attention as someone who can take the initiative and might be fun to go along with. But then I went back and offered a toast to Merri, and the way she grabbed my ass firmly in response and didn't let go when I did nothing got me more excited than anything else in that scene. She's much more quiet about it, but between her and Olivia I'm now feeling like she might actually be the more aggressive one, and I'm finding myself very excited to get to know her better...

Pool scene was also kind of fun. I just have to mention that I really wanna dive into that pool, it looks so refreshing... Meeting Grace was nice, I do enjoy Erisa's apparent awe at how well-shaped her body is... And I'll admit, whenever I meet a character that has a bit of cockiness or competitiveness, my mind immediately goes to wondering whether the game will only reward us for beating them and teaching them some humility, or if we'll also be rewarded for losing and only helping fuel their self-esteem, especially if we're being encouraging about it... Either way we should have fun with the volleyball match.

And Liz in particular I think left a pretty good impression on me from the short time we got to talk to her. She just seems like an honest, genuine, well-meaning person, which is very hard to dislike in almost any situation...

Both Rey and River are in a similar category in my mind so far - both seem like generally cool people, and I totally dig their looks. Not that there's anyone whose looks I dislike, but I think they each had something unique that grabbed my eye...

Speaking of the gym scene though I just have to ask, why the hell is Chrissy so strong?! Are we going to find out that she's actually a runaway experimental bio-engineered weaponized enhanced human, and that the captain and one or two of the bunny girls are actually secret government agents sent to take her back and we'll have to kill them in order to help Chrissy escape? And, much more importantly, will she lift me up with one arm if I ask her reeeeeally nicely...?

A thought did occur to me as we were meeting all the other girls. It's pretty obvious that Erisa and Chrissy and such are going to have no trouble at all making friends on this cruise. But I'm actually a little bit worried about Amanda. I suppose it's not impossible for her to find an ally or two, but I can also see her being generally rejected by the group and feeling isolated. If that happens, if we're submissive to her, will we feel the obligation to defend her? And even if we're not involved with her, will we still notice and take sympathy and try to help her? Will there be a mini-redemption arc for her, where obviously she won't change who she is completely, but she will learn to be just a bit more accommodating towards others, a bit more genuine, and a bit less self-absorbed? Or will she be able to find one or two among the girls who is less judgmental to the type of person she is? Will she even find someone who is attracted to her, maybe even someone who'll be happy to join in our sub/dom games, either helping her have fun with us or finding themselves in the same enthralled and manipulated position we're in? Or am I just worrying for nothing and she is already more capable of normal human relations than I give her credit for? Whatever the case may be, I can see it going in plenty of directions, or it might not happen at all or happen and barely be addressed, but I just couldn't help but wonder once it popped into my head...

All in all, game is still very fun. I like the laid-back vacation atmosphere, and all the different characters and interactions to explore. Still can't say which of the girls we first met on the boat I'm most interested in, there isn't actually a single one who's completely off my radar, so I'm excited to get to know them better. Will be waiting for the next update!
  • Red Heart
Reactions: IM6


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I've played all routes I can find and Chrissy with Abby is my fave ending to the update. Got to it through both Chrissy and Abby's routes so interesting to see how that goes forward.

Loved the revenge route on Amanda too but I do kinda like Amanda's dom route. I'm a sub so that is my jam


Erisa's Summer
Game Developer
Aug 8, 2017
I'm expecting to have this update done in short order. Then RPGM can burn forever and always.
I should stop saying things like this, I always end up cursing myself!

First off, thank you guys for playing and enjoying. I'm sorry I haven't been more vocal. I love you all.

Next, just a quick update since it's been nearly a month:
All of the scenes, movies, remasters, etc. are all done. I just need to get the writing done. It's more than a simple lift and shift as I originally imagined since I'm changing a lot of tenses/narration (moving things to Erisa's perspective, eliminating second person tense) and I'm changing the flow of things somewhat - for the better, I think, but still: effort!

The big problem is that I've been feeling sick and really think I made it worse pushing myself to get all of the images done. By the time I got around to texts, I was not in the best way. I am recovering, but it's still a process.
Couple this with work stress and I've just decided to scale back as much as I can right now. I am still getting work done (I just wrote a few scenes a few minutes ago!), but progress will be slower until things calm down at work and my health improves (it will, I'm not chronically or critically ill or anything).

This is why I don't run a Patreon - I'd either stress myself to death or anyone foolish enough to subscribe would hate me for taking money and releasing content very slowly!

Where there is time, I have been refocusing plot things for day 3 (I have some good ideas!) and considering my strategy moving forward. I think I may cut the free-roam concept in this game. I think it'll probably be more effort than it's worth and it'll disjoint with how the mechanics are currently established. Consistency is probably more valuable, same with time economy.

I'll probably also start putting out more bite-sized day chunks once I get there - i.e. Abby path for a day, Grace path for a day, etc. This is more in-line with how some other developers are handling things and will increase pace (once I get back up to speed!).

That's it for now! Here's a nice dramatic picture of early Day 1 Chrissy to tie things up! (something to drool over, maybe?)



Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2020
Now I got the backlog smaller so I can play the new update at last.... Maybe too many games to follow :whistle:
0.2.1 I had two different routes (Chrissy nearly ending and Amanda is completed) are there any other routes too or or only 0.3?

What better way to start a Saturday morning than to have a cup of coffee and continue Erisa’s adventures.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: IM6


Erisa's Summer
Game Developer
Aug 8, 2017
Now I got the backlog smaller so I can play the new update at last.... Maybe too many games to follow :whistle:
0.2.1 I had two different routes (Chrissy nearly ending and Amanda is completed) are there any other routes too or or only 0.3?

What better way to start a Saturday morning than to have a cup of coffee and continue Erisa’s adventures.
Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you have any feedback :)

There's currently one path for Abby, one for Chrissy, and two for Amanda. As mentioned above, there are some convergences, but how you handle them and/or when you're asked later how you feel about them (in day 3), it will have an impact on future routes.
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Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2020
Let me know if you have any feedback
I wonder what I would answer but Alysa is probably the most conflicting character to myself ever.
Edit: Maybe “ever” is too strong a word but at least for the characters in this game.
I don't like what she looks like(Just my taste) but on the other hand, her personality is adorable :love:

And about the game itself, I like it when it has a positive vibe.
When you play drama games enough then you will sometimes want to come play these where there is a happy atmosphere.

Holy fuck:
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You definitely don't want to piss her off!
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Erisa's Summer
Game Developer
Aug 8, 2017
You definitely don't want to piss her off!
We will get into Chrissy's strength at some point... but it's more of a footnote than a focal point (I still wouldn't want to piss her off, though! ;))

I am still working at reduced capacity, but have just finished the Emma's Closet scenes, which leaves just the day 1 end routes left to convert. So I expect to be able to release the complete Ren'Py experience (so far) within the next few weeks. Until then, here's another FF7-inspired simple shot. I've been working with Nina a lot in the Emma's Closet scenes, so she seemed like the right character to model this new top that gave me Yuffie vibes!

BONUS Nina Yuffie_1080.png
(I always love the vast array of "cosplay" assets in Daz, but there's rarely use for them in an original game - fun to do little one-offs, though!)

Thanks for bearing with me as always - we'll be across this next finish line soon, then on to day 3!


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
I'm happy about the switch to ren'py. Since I haven't got much time to play these games and there are many I like, I stopped bothering with RPGM games, since they are so time consuming, might be unfair to the few who aren't and I do have one or two left from before, where I continue to check new updates.
Anyway, the switch will finally give me the chance to try out this game, always interested in lesbian games.

Sad to hear it's going slow right now, but your health is the important thing here and not rushing to finish the conversion.
Take your time, continue to enjoy creating your vision, I for one will be waiting patiently to try the game.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: IM6


Erisa's Summer
Game Developer
Aug 8, 2017

Late last night, I finished all of the day 1 texts. I'm pretty far into debugging/proofreading at this point as well and am just working on re-rendering a handful of grainy scenes from the original game that I didn't catch earlier on.

I feel very happy with what I'm seeing in the game so far, and I'm hoping you'll all like it! I'm planning to release the Ren'Py full version (Day 1 + Day 2) this Friday at this point, and I feel highly confident that I'll meet that timeline - stay tuned! It should be here that evening.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018

Late last night, I finished all of the day 1 texts. I'm pretty far into debugging/proofreading at this point as well and am just working on re-rendering a handful of grainy scenes from the original game that I didn't catch earlier on.

I feel very happy with what I'm seeing in the game so far, and I'm hoping you'll all like it! I'm planning to release the Ren'Py full version (Day 1 + Day 2) this Friday at this point, and I feel highly confident that I'll meet that timeline - stay tuned! It should be here that evening.
Deff looking forward to that. Played the RPGM version but it would be nice to have it all on the same engine.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: IM6


Erisa's Summer
Game Developer
Aug 8, 2017
Deff looking forward to that. Played the RPGM version but it would be nice to have it all on the same engine.
I think it's a total enhancement. I may not have mentioned, but in addition to some remastered scenes, there's a lot of re-writing and a handful of new scenes that better set the stage and enhance the flow of the game. Where you used to just kind of wake up and amble around there's a little more motivation from the jump and Erisa's background with Abby and Amanda are more fully and naturally developed. So, some appreciable content even if you've played the RPGM version - at least that's my hope! :)

Regarding RPGM I just came into being a dev at a time when it seemed that people were just starting to widely adopt Ren'Py. Of course, I was only familiar with RPGM games, so... I went with what I knew. If only I had been on the Ren'Py train then! This is much, much easier and the results are significantly better. But I'm grateful to have an opportunity to remaster a lot of grainy scenes too.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
It will be great for those that haven't seen the RPGM version too. They miss quite a bit of backstory on the relationships just starting with the ren'py version.

I know there is the catch up at the start but it's never the same as seeing it properly. You can't really appreciate just how much of a bitch Amanda was without seeing it.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: IM6


Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2020
I have a suggestion.. Maybe stupid kind.
Wouldn't this be a better banner:

^That is from account and put the text "Erisa summer" in it and to replace :unsure:
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Erisa's Summer
Game Developer
Aug 8, 2017
I have a suggestion.. Maybe stupid kind.
Wouldn't this be a better banner:

^That is from account and put the text "Erisa summer" in it and to replace :unsure:
Thanks! I am giving consideration to using this image or another one (yet to be created) to update things on Friday. I haven't settled on anything yet, but you'd see it here at the same time as the update :)
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Erisa's Summer
Game Developer
Aug 8, 2017
Just another fun remaster comparison. It's nice to have tangible proof I've gotten better at this over time! :ROFLMAO:

Memory-HSAbby00.png hsabby01.png

Debugging has all passed and proofreading is done. I'm still planning a Friday release as I'm working on a few other things, but we're definitely good to go!


Erisa's Summer
Game Developer
Aug 8, 2017
20200924 TitleCard.png

Hi everyone!

I've updated the frontpage and, as of this moment, v0.4.0 of Erisa's Summer is live and available for download!

All day 1 content from the RPGM version of the game has been remastered and added in to the Ren'Py client. Several new scenes have been added and existing scenes have been expanded to enhance gameflow in the new client. A few new scenes may have been added to the end as well... You'll have to start from the beginning to enjoy this update, but I hope you'll download and do so!

An Android version has also been added. If it sucks and/or is broken, I do not intend to provide support for it beyond initial build. I apologize, but Android support is above my (free) paygrade.

As always, this game is released totally and entirely for free! Some folks have offered to support me through a Patreon or download fee in the past, but I'm simply not interested.

Instead, if you want to support and motivate my development efforts, I ask that you identify and donate to an animal shelter or charity of your choice. If you do and would like to share confirmation with me, it will definitely make me feel good and motivate me to keep going! Also, as further incentive, I'll gladly provide a 4K still of any existing game image for any confirmed charitable donation.

Of course, if you just want to play the game, that's totally cool as always!
If you do feel like leaving a few words of encouragement or a positive review, even better!

Enjoy and, as always, please let me know if you have any feedback!


Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2020
View attachment 832636

Hi everyone!

I've updated the frontpage and, as of this moment, v0.4.0 of Erisa's Summer is live and available for download!

All day 1 content from the RPGM version of the game has been remastered and added in to the Ren'Py client. Several new scenes have been added and existing scenes have been expanded to enhance gameflow in the new client. A few new scenes may have been added to the end as well... You'll have to start from the beginning to enjoy this update, but I hope you'll download and do so!

An Android version has also been added. If it sucks and/or is broken, I do not intend to provide support for it beyond initial build. I apologize, but Android support is above my (free) paygrade.

As always, this game is released totally and entirely for free! Some folks have offered to support me through a Patreon or download fee in the past, but I'm simply not interested.

Instead, if you want to support and motivate my development efforts, I ask that you identify and donate to an animal shelter or charity of your choice. If you do and would like to share confirmation with me, it will definitely make me feel good and motivate me to keep going! Also, as further incentive, I'll gladly provide a 4K still of any existing game image for any confirmed charitable donation.

Of course, if you just want to play the game, that's totally cool as always!
If you do feel like leaving a few words of encouragement or a positive review, even better!

Enjoy and, as always, please let me know if you have any feedback!
Now now now!
Girls and game is point!

This is perfeft!

I hope I didn’t sound too mean when I said that, I always want to mean good.


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"Fuck you guys! this is girl games"

What you Avaron1974 think?
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  • Red Heart
Reactions: IM6 and Avaron1974
4.20 star(s) 6 Votes