
Active Member
Jun 11, 2017
Don't know if I've been just blind or what but I can't find any new skills for Riche. She has so far been just a very boringly average fire mage with just her default spells, and I just reached chapter 3. Thing is, I went to the Hanny Shrine and got the passives for other elements besides the flame one, so I'm just wondering when I'm supposed to get new spells for her. Ramius is getting plenty of skills and Aster gets a new skill like every 2 events


New Member
Jun 29, 2017
Don't know if I've been just blind or what but I can't find any new skills for Riche. She has so far been just a very boringly average fire mage with just her default spells, and I just reached chapter 3. Thing is, I went to the Hanny Shrine and got the passives for other elements besides the flame one, so I'm just wondering when I'm supposed to get new spells for her. Ramius is getting plenty of skills and Aster gets a new skill like every 2 events
By Chapter3 and its end you should have at least the base solo skill and AOE skill of each element Riche can master (Fire, Ice, Light). You'll soon enough start to find the advance solo skill of each element so yeah, you've missed them for sure.

But to be honest, I don't really know how skill learning works in this game. Most skills are objets to find in the game, so don't hesitate to teleport back to some place you might've not explored at 100%, but some skills are acquired through battle at "random".

Small pre-review up to the end of chapter 4:
- haven't encounterd a bug yet, tho I suspect either the Armor Break skill works in a certain condition or it just doesn't work;
- I don't know who said there was just one rape but there's actually quite a lot in this game. Tho I'm glad it isn't the MC who's the raper, I hate those kind of game;
- Overall, the story remind me of the "Good guy" Rance game.
- small detail that annoy me each time because I'm a perfectionnist: why are people's ring not showing off in any artwork? XD It's like the center of the whole lore and not once they've put the rings.
- for once, the leveling in this Alicesoft game isn't slow at all..
- but the money grinding is hard. I could live with it until the start of chapter 4 and then when I saw these overpriced items, I finally gave up and used Cheat Engine (to people wondering about it: you might find 3 entry connected to your money, just change the three of them and it works just fine).
- some area's trashmob are just unfair. Like the Sketch Girl in Lancelot who keep instant-kill my team almost at the start of every battle or the impossible-to-hit bees in Ex Quixote <.< (I don't mind special ennemy, but when I just want to level up my team or explore toward the boss, it's tiring to have to kill these ones and end up wich a almost-dead team after just one of two battles, and since the Escape rate is quite low it's usually faster to just waste all of my BP to quickly finish the battle).
- Difficulty speaking, nothing to say at the moment, aside from the unfair random mob at some point.
- I've got the feeling the more I advance in the game, the more it's difficult to find +1/+2/etc. equipment : /. At the end of chapters 1 and 2, I often had +2 or +3 weapons and armor, now if I at least have +1 ones I'm happy xD.

The story so far is enjoyable, not much to add aside from that, it's quite the usual clichés at the moment.

I've seen people wondering how to capture girl without killing them: if you're overpowered, try unequiping your weapon, and if you're fed up of killing them by mistake (double-hit, critical hit, etc.) just wait to have the Mercy skill on either the Ninja girl or the Tactician, it's a low damage skill that can't kill an ennemy.

Anyway, I have two questions, sorry if people already anwsered them:
- Does someone know what's the Endurance stat for? I've made sure to explore all the Gather Intel in each town but nobody talked about Endurance yet. And the wiki about this game at the moment are still quite empty.
- Can someone tell me what I'm suppose to do at the Third Trial wich ask to use a cool finish?
I've tried to kill all ennemies at the same time or killing them with a skill, but nothing. Do we have to use a particular skill?

Thanks in advance ^^
Nov 14, 2017
Don't know if I've been just blind or what but I can't find any new skills for Riche. She has so far been just a very boringly average fire mage with just her default spells, and I just reached chapter 3. Thing is, I went to the Hanny Shrine and got the passives for other elements besides the flame one, so I'm just wondering when I'm supposed to get new spells for her. Ramius is getting plenty of skills and Aster gets a new skill like every 2 events
She has 3 elements; fire,ice and light. At the start of the chap4 she should have single and area target spells of each of these 3 elements. Well, except ice area spell as that needs to drop, I also dont have that yet :(


Jul 13, 2017
By Chapter3 and its end you should have at least the base solo skill and AOE skill of each element Riche can master (Fire, Ice, Light). You'll soon enough start to find the advance solo skill of each element so yeah, you've missed them for sure.

But to be honest, I don't really know how skill learning works in this game. Most skills are objets to find in the game, so don't hesitate to teleport back to some place you might've not explored at 100%, but some skills are acquired through battle at "random".

Small pre-review up to the end of chapter 4:
- haven't encounterd a bug yet, tho I suspect either the Armor Break skill works in a certain condition or it just doesn't work;
- I don't know who said there was just one rape but there's actually quite a lot in this game. Tho I'm glad it isn't the MC who's the raper, I hate those kind of game;
- Overall, the story remind me of the "Good guy" Rance game.
- small detail that annoy me each time because I'm a perfectionnist: why are people's ring not showing off in any artwork? XD It's like the center of the whole lore and not once they've put the rings.
- for once, the leveling in this Alicesoft game isn't slow at all..
- but the money grinding is hard. I could live with it until the start of chapter 4 and then when I saw these overpriced items, I finally gave up and used Cheat Engine (to people wondering about it: you might find 3 entry connected to your money, just change the three of them and it works just fine).
- some area's trashmob are just unfair. Like the Sketch Girl in Lancelot who keep instant-kill my team almost at the start of every battle or the impossible-to-hit bees in Ex Quixote <.< (I don't mind special ennemy, but when I just want to level up my team or explore toward the boss, it's tiring to have to kill these ones and end up wich a almost-dead team after just one of two battles, and since the Escape rate is quite low it's usually faster to just waste all of my BP to quickly finish the battle).
- Difficulty speaking, nothing to say at the moment, aside from the unfair random mob at some point.
- I've got the feeling the more I advance in the game, the more it's difficult to find +1/+2/etc. equipment : /. At the end of chapters 1 and 2, I often had +2 or +3 weapons and armor, now if I at least have +1 ones I'm happy XD.

The story so far is enjoyable, not much to add aside from that, it's quite the usual clichés at the moment.

I've seen people wondering how to capture girl without killing them: if you're overpowered, try unequiping your weapon, and if you're fed up of killing them by mistake (double-hit, critical hit, etc.) just wait to have the Mercy skill on either the Ninja girl or the Tactician, it's a low damage skill that can't kill an ennemy.

Anyway, I have two questions, sorry if people already anwsered them:
- Does someone know what's the Endurance stat for? I've made sure to explore all the Gather Intel in each town but nobody talked about Endurance yet. And the wiki about this game at the moment are still quite empty.
- Can someone tell me what I'm suppose to do at the Third Trial wich ask to use a cool finish?
I've tried to kill all ennemies at the same time or killing them with a skill, but nothing. Do we have to use a particular skill?

Thanks in advance ^^
The cool skill are any skill that brings up the character portrait like Ramius Lance furry.
Nov 14, 2017
My personal hypothesis for endurance is, it is like a physical resistance. 100 endurance = physical invulnerability?? Maybe? XD

Goblin Baily: DILF

Conversation Conqueror
Sep 29, 2017
ahah so fun i forgot to laugh, if i need to play some GDR i go with more serious GDR games on steam.
for this game i look only the VN side and the imm made by the senran kagura artist

well time to cheat a download the save file
i wasn't trying to offend you, i just believe the best way to play this game is by grinding since even if you used cheat engine, you' still have to go through the exploration process and it would be tedious

The final hit for the battle needs to be done using a skill which features a character pose. An example would be Aster's Neo Full Power Slash or Ramius' Neo Lance Flurry. I don't think anything else needs to be followed except that.
there's also Femme Fatality from 2nd trial

How did you guys beat the monsters in Arthur? they're stronger than usual, and there's loads of them.
equip "info display" it gives you info on the monsters

dumb question but how do you save in this game ? i cant find save/load menu
you can save in the adv menu or by visiting an Inn (the latest may show you some scene with the wives)

Don't know if I've been just blind or what but I can't find any new skills for Riche. She has so far been just a very boringly average fire mage with just her default spells, and I just reached chapter 3. Thing is, I went to the Hanny Shrine and got the passives for other elements besides the flame one, so I'm just wondering when I'm supposed to get new spells for her. Ramius is getting plenty of skills and Aster gets a new skill like every 2 events
I feel sorry for your bad luck


Jun 18, 2017
Took me a while, but just finished the game 100%. Most certainly worth playing if you like RPGs.

Does anyone remember where's the tailor skill?
I believe you get it from one of the hobo quests(that girl "beauty" and the guy that are living in a tent). You have to follow the entire quest line from the start though(they change locations and you have to find them).
I don't remember the tailor skill being worth much though. All I remember using it for is stitching together the crap you gain from fishing -- which isn't that good unless you grind for it early.

Goblin Baily: DILF

Conversation Conqueror
Sep 29, 2017
Anyone beside me thinks Beauty is Eve. After all the party meets her in the middle of a desert but her tent is surrounded by vegetation, and she rewards the MC with a skill long before he accepts the fishing quest, as if she knew it was bound to happen


She has 3 elements; fire,ice and light. At the start of the chap4 she should have single and area target spells of each of these 3 elements. Well, except ice area spell as that needs to drop, I also dont have that yet :(
Do you know if Ice AE is a random world drop or from specific area?


Aug 2, 2017
The link is in the OP.
I had already checked it before posting my previous question. It is useless for me as its just random bunch of questions pertaining to the games story along with their answers organized according to each chapter of the game. What i am looking for is a guide on how to go about beating each mega monster in the game and as far as i have seen the walkthrough has no information about the mega monsters you see like that giant crab, their stats, weaknesses, optimal lvl to attempt fighting them and how to go about beating each one etc.
Nov 14, 2017
Do you know if Ice AE is a random world drop or from specific area?
It should drop after starting the chap3, at least according to the japanese wiki. I am not sure about the conditions though.
Can anyone describe the game for me . I mean is there a lot of content . Animated?
Alicesoft games usually don't have animated scenes and mostly about gameplay/story. If you are after some quick h-scenes look for a different game.
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Nov 14, 2017
I had already checked it before posting my previous question. It is useless for me as its just random bunch of questions pertaining to the games story along with their answers organized according to each chapter of the game. What i am looking for is a guide on how to go about beating each mega monster in the game and as far as i have seen the walkthrough has no information about the mega monsters you see like that giant crab, their stats, weaknesses, optimal lvl to attempt fighting them and how to go about beating each one etc.

try this one, you can get some ideas with your browser's translations
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