It's not that you get lost, it's that the game is the most absurd thing I've seen so far, the walktrough omits options that can give you more lp and rp with delia in the escape of the resort, when halley moves away from the resort if you continue until the end you earn 1lp. In the cave with delia according to the walktrough the points are for Clara, if you check the save you see that they have gone to delia. In the arcade scene according to the walktrough the points are for delia, then check the save; and you find yourself so they are not for any.
Anyway that does not matter there is no way to avoid Lena; not even setting all their status to zero and even with negative lp and rp, the vibrator and sauna scenes happen whether you like it or not; Even if you have passed from it, we are going to end up with you in the end. The second scene of the arcade in episode12 happens whether you like it or not, even if you have also passed it. And the last straw is that the developer not only wants money for this "upset" game but that in the end he will punish you without sex. Only with whomever he wants. Better be devoted to something else. Because the story is good, but he doesn't know how to make it broken. In short, I've stayed like Bill Murray:
Lost in translation, lost in narration, lost in punctuation; and what is worse lost in the walktroug.
It has been a bit long; Maybe the game is not worth the effort.