Yeah, it's not reasonable to assume an attractive adult would remain celibate throughout their entire 20s and 30s in the hopes that some day they may be reunited with a former lover, even if you ignored the character flaws of the MC.
EDIT: Also, can anyone confirm that the patch is actually working? I initially started playing through this without the patch, but it seems clear the daughters should be in their teens (16-18 for June/Mia, probably 14 or so for Ellie) rather than 20ish so I wanted to use the patch but it always says it's been 20 years whenever I start a new game. The patch is in the correct folder (/game) and the filename is correct ("patch") so not sure why it's not working for me. Even tried deleting the appdata file and a fresh install in case it was an issue of persistence between different playthroughs.